zspitz / ts-activex-gen

Library + UI for generating Typescript definitions / DefinitelyTyped packages from COM type libraries / LibreOffice Doxygen XML
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com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution jsDoc -- variables get inlined into a single paragraph #70

Closed zspitz closed 7 years ago

zspitz commented 7 years ago
* **$(inst) **: Installation path of the Office.**$(prog) **: Program path of the Office.**$(user) **: The user installation directory.**$(work) **: The
* work directory of the user. Under Windows this would be the "MyDocuments" subdirectory. Under Unix this would be the home-directory**$(home) **: The
* home directory of the user. Under Unix this would be the home- directory. Under Windows this would be the CSIDL_PERSONAL directory, for example
* "Documents and Settings\<username>\Documents".**$(temp) **: The current temporary directory.**$(path) **: The value of PATH environment
* variable.**$(username) **: The username (login name) of the currently active user, excluding the domain name on Windows. (Available since LibreOffice
* 5.2)**$(langid) **: The language code used by the Office, like 0x0009=English, 0x0409=English US.**$(vlang) **: The language used by the Office as a
* string. Like "German" for a German Office.