zspitzer / lucee-performance-analyzer

Performance Analyzer plugin for Lucee, to be used in the Lucee Admin or Standalone.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Threads reader not working after upgrades #11

Open harryfear opened 2 years ago

harryfear commented 2 years ago

I've tried reinstalling the extension after Lucee/JRE upgrades, which solves some problems.

But the Threads reader doesn't work. Shows a Lucee error:

Unable to make public long[] sun.management.ThreadImpl.getAllThreadIds() accessible: module java.management does not "exports sun.management" to unnamed module @3ea7d9b3

error occurred in /home/domain/public_html/WEB-INF/lucee/context/admin/plugin/PerformanceAnalyzer/threads.cfm:20
called by /home/domain/public_html/WEB-INF/lucee/context/admin/plugin/PerformanceAnalyzer/Action.cfc:47
called by /admin/plugin.cfm:78
called by /admin/web.cfm:492

Plugin Lucee JRE 17.0.1 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit