zsviczian / obsidian-excalidraw-plugin

A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
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Scribble Helper #1466

Open oxSxo opened 9 months ago

oxSxo commented 9 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/discussions/1461

Originally posted by **oxSxo** November 23, 2023 Hey, I faced a problem with Scribble Helper. I use an Ipad Pro 2017 with Apple Pencil 1 and IPadOS 17.1 / 17.2 and don't get it to work with Scribble Helper. I already deinstalled the app, exalidraw and the script. When I got it right it should work with a double tap with the Apple Pencil. Unfortunately that doesnt show any function. Also I don't get any reaction from the script when enabling it. Whats the point I miss? Getting it to work would be a live saver for me regarding handwritten notes in obsidian. Thanks
zsviczian commented 9 months ago

can you explain step by step how you are attempting to use the script? also, can you confirm that Apple Scribble is available in your language?

oxSxo commented 9 months ago


  1. How I attempt to use the Script
    • Installed the script scribble helper through script engine in obsidian excalidraw plugin.
    • Added the script button through long press to action bar and clicked it (also tried another click in case it was already activated). What I have noticed is that there is no notification on the upper right side which explains the necessary steps. In your video I saw that right in the beginning.
    • Activated pen mode and the selection mode
    • Tried to double tap with Apple Pencil tip on the screen, but the shown scribble helper window in the corresponding videos doesn’t open. Also tried slower and faster double taps. But Apple Scribble bar at the screen bottom opens and in 1 of 5 try’s it is possible to write a few characters. In the other cases the selection tool is activated and I pull up a selection box.
    • I noticed also that the script which is marked with light grey background is always deselected afterwards
  2. Is it available in your language? Yes, since iPadOS 14.5 German is officially supported. Scribble is activated in options and works in other apps without any problems
joeconmeobeo commented 9 months ago

I am having similar problems. I just installed the Scribble script. I don't get a text editor window like in the video even when clicking on other text boxes. Half the time when I have Scribble enabled and then I double tap to write freely on the page, it disables Scribble and goes to the pointer icon. If it does work, I have to write really quickly or it disables. It looks great in the video but sadly isn't working now. I don't know if it is an iOS update or the Exalidraw update.

oxSxo commented 9 months ago

I got it to work for a day or so with Factory resetting my iPad. After that it returned to the behavior you confirmed. I found out that the Plugin doesn’t load properly because when I got it to work the Info at the top right showed immediately. In the other cases thee was no Info.

oxSxo commented 5 months ago

I figuered out the problem. Another post of zsvician was helpful in this case.

In you use any Plugin that make changes to the YAML-Frontmatter: Disable it!

In my case it was „Update time in edit“. He mentioned also „janitor“

After that all Scripts worked without Problems on Desktop and iPad. Invluding Scribble Helper.

zsviczian commented 5 months ago

This is helpful. I will check if the script has a YAML frontmatter and discard it.