zsviczian / obsidian-excalidraw-plugin

A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
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FR: Consider adding dai-shi/excalidraw-claymate to create Animations #1595

Open rsd opened 4 months ago

rsd commented 4 months ago

Please consider integrating support for animation in Obsidian Excalidraw.

One way to do this is thru https://github.com/dai-shi/excalidraw-claymate.

It would be a great addition, for exemplo, to Slideshow.

zsviczian commented 4 months ago

Yes, this has been on my mind for some time. Claymate is great, however, I would want to solve it in a less invasive (i.e. invasive to my Excalidraw fork code base) manner. This is on my one day maybe list.