zsviczian / obsidian-excalidraw-plugin

A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
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BUG: Enabling Darkmode makes slide presentations very laggy #1807

Open Peanut1906 opened 1 month ago

Peanut1906 commented 1 month ago

Hey i'd love to use the Excalidraw plugin but it is just way to laggy when darkmode is enabled. Especially when using the slideshow script. I have tested it in a completely new vault and i am experiencing the same issue there. Darkmode enabled => laggy, Darkmode not enabled => smooth. Is there something i could do about that?

Thanks in advance. -Josh

zsviczian commented 1 month ago

This is interesting. Can you reproduce this with the default Obsidian theme and with other plugins disabled? I tested this now on a large drawing / presentation, I did not notice any difference between light and dark mode.

Peanut1906 commented 1 month ago

Yes i tried it with a completely new vault. no plugins except Excalidraw and the slideshow snippet. Heres a little video of the issue:


Btw i am using an Intel MacBook from 2020 with the latest version. To get around that problem i currently use the light mode but set the background to a dark color and the text to a light color. Not perfect but it absolutely works.