zsviczian / obsidian-excalidraw-plugin

A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
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FR: Adding an option to choose export folders for the svg format #1830

Open Aryaman-chandra opened 2 weeks ago

Aryaman-chandra commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there ,


I'm always frustrated when i try to make hybrid notes in Obsidian that when exporting to svg using the auto-export
the generated file gets stored in the same folder as the notes , as mentioned here in the settings menu here :

Screenshot from 2024-06-14 14-20-07

The problem is this clutters my graph view and also hampers my organization structure as the number of svg files can skyrocket.


I propose add a feature with option to choose the folder to save the autoexported svgs to be stored in.


Also if possible i would like to contribute/collaborate to the plugin , although i'm a beginner at programming i would like to be involved and add to the functionality that this wonderful and a really helpful plugin provides .

zsviczian commented 2 weeks ago

easier said than done. This is a one-day maybe item.