zt95 / infinite-horizon-off-policy-estimation

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generating SARS data #5

Open dc-wangjn opened 4 years ago

dc-wangjn commented 4 years ago

hello, i am new to SUMO. when i run the sumo/collect_data.py, i find that

Error: Invalid vehicle id '0NE(1,1)'. Contains invalid characters.

and i delete all the files in directory ./data and generate new 'grids.net_0.xml' file using netconvert -n data/grids.nod.xml -e data/grids.edg.xml -i data/grids.tlLogic.xml -o data/grids.net_0.xml' , it turns out that

Error: value '(0,1)' does not match regular expression facet '[^ \t\n\r|\;,']+'

i wonder if the code in function 'generate_nodes ' producing the legal 'grids.nod.xml' file. i want to know how to handle this case to generate SARS data successfully. best

jemolano1498 commented 2 years ago


I encountered the same trouble. Could you find a way to solve it?