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Another breaking change in leiningen #28

Closed dreish closed 11 years ago

dreish commented 14 years ago

This time lein 1.3.0 breaks native-deps 1.0.1. I emailed David Nolen about it yesterday, but haven't received a response yet. The fix is very simple: default-repos was moved from leiningen.pom to leiningen.core, so native-deps just needs to use 'leiningen.core instead of 'leiningen.pom.

swannodette commented 14 years ago

Heya, I guess I missed this message. A bit swamped will try to patch and push 1.0.2 tonight.

dreish commented 14 years ago

Thanks. Would be nice if the lein guys wouldn't keep breaking everything with every supposedly-backward-compatible 1.x.0 revision. :)

swannodette commented 14 years ago

Fixed, though I won't be able to get it onto Clojars until sometime tomorrow evening. Apologies for the delay.