[x] Remember to push everything to GitHub
You may need to delete files on the newtfire server in order to replace them if you do not "own" the file on the webserver.
[x] fix the menu bar @CTrohoske01
[x] Make a logo @dpakulski42
[x] Work on wording for website pages @zteyssier and @dpakulski42
XML work
[ ] Add attributes to intro songs and to screen plays for:
love vs. revenge vs. _? __ (songs only)
male and female (both songs and screen plays) Each of you does this for each screenplay + songs you're working on.
[x] Update the schema file to include attributes @CTrohoske01
[ ] LAST CALL! Find missing screenplays if possible! Open an Issue here to list and link what screenplays you've located. @zteyssier @CTrohoske01 @dpakulski42
[ ] Screenplays up-conversion: START by converting ASCII to unicode (if your files have lots of weird characters in them for, say, apostrophes, quotation marks, punctuation marks.
[ ] Everyone finish up-converting screenplays! @zteyssier @dpakulski42 @CTrohoske01
Check in with Dr. B if you need help b/c the regex is not exactly easy
[ ] Investigate music scores and information about the theme music @zteyssier @CTrohoske01
Web work
XML work
[ ] Add attributes to intro songs and to screen plays for:
male and female (both songs and screen plays) Each of you does this for each screenplay + songs you're working on.
[x] Update the schema file to include attributes @CTrohoske01
[ ] LAST CALL! Find missing screenplays if possible! Open an Issue here to list and link what screenplays you've located. @zteyssier @CTrohoske01 @dpakulski42
[ ] Screenplays up-conversion: START by converting ASCII to unicode (if your files have lots of weird characters in them for, say, apostrophes, quotation marks, punctuation marks.
[ ] Everyone finish up-converting screenplays! @zteyssier @dpakulski42 @CTrohoske01 Check in with Dr. B if you need help b/c the regex is not exactly easy
[ ] Investigate music scores and information about the theme music @zteyssier @CTrohoske01