Open zteyssier opened 3 years ago
I like your guys' project a lot. The James Bond movies are some of my favorite movies. I just had a quick suggestion on how to make your project a little better. You could maybe change the font styling and size for your paragraphs. It was just a little hard to read for me.
I enjoyed this project and particularly like how the tags are easy on the front of the page. However, on a desktop the website is impossible to view without zooming out to the max due to the size of the main image. I would appreciate a significantly downsized front image alongside larger text sizes.
As of now the website's home page is a bit large for my laptop to handle. And as for the song lyrics, i believe this project would greatly benefit from having the lyrics centered on the page which would make it easier to read, as well as increasing the font size to 14 would be easier to read. Overall, splendid project, i never knew James Bond had so many intro songs.
I like the information given and topic being a fan of the character, but the site does not work on my laptop unless I can zoom out a 1/3 of the screen size. Probably putting the information centered on the screen, or adjusting the font and image sizes would help to lower issues for others.
This website definitely has potential in my perspective, and I especially like how you included a section with the theme songs. My main suggestion is if you could have the webpage for the theme songs match with the other pages, in terms of linking and font, to keep it more consistent. It might also help to expand the layout of your writing, so it will be easier to read. Other than that, good job.
Hello! I really enjoy your project! It is a very creative Idea that is very useful to James Bond as well as movie music fans! I am also having an issue on my compute (macbook) where I am unable to see a lot of what is going on. The images are stretched and extra large, linked below. I think image resizing would be a quick fix for this! A suggestion I have would be to link the source the songs (if permitted)with the actual music video/audio for easy access to what is being presented! Good job!
I really liked the concept of your project, and the way your group brought it to life. As a musician, I find that music analysis of films like this one are extremely helpful to learn more about the innerworkings of the industry. Your website was well presented, and I like how you included a page with all the lyrics.
Hey James Bond team, I really like your project. You put a lot of work into it and it shows on pages like “James bond intro songs” and your “film stripts”. I noticed during the presentation that a lot of the features you had on your website like your photos and Header are either super big or really small. So one of the things I would recommend would be trying to resize them to match your font and navigation bar size with either physically putting the width and the height into the HTML file or try to put it in a box on the page to contain it. As well as change the size of the heading to a smaller version or make it a background image that text with layover on pages like “film stripts” and “about” as it takes over a majority of the page. Other than that I have no other kind of recommendation as your project is very well developed.
It is an interesting project. I found a picture of the staff that is distorted because its height is too large, while in analysis page, the images are too small for me to learn the code. Also, I suggest that you can try to use different margin for h1, h2, p, and so on.
Please leave your comments below to help us improve on our project.
Thanks in advance!