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First try on mp repo - exception later on #1

Open metalinjection opened 3 years ago

metalinjection commented 3 years ago

Hi mo, i tried it out however after 3682/9364 files I stumpled over an exception when scanning thru the micropython repo:

file: tests/wipy/wlan/server.py.exp, 65 bytes
file: tests/wipy/wlan/wlan.py, 4131 bytes
file: tests/wipy/wlan/wlan.py.exp, 378 bytes
file: tools/mpremote/mpremote/__init__.py, 8 bytes
file: tools/mpremote/mpremote/console.py, 5125 bytes
file: tools/mpremote/mpremote/main.py, 15680 bytes
file: tools/mpremote/mpremote/pyboardextended.py, 16259 bytes
          triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

[Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read] {
  errno: -21,
  code: 'EISDIR',
  syscall: 'read'

dont understand what that means...


ztiromoritz commented 3 years ago

EISDIR mean sth. like: you read/write it as a file but it's a folder or sth. like that.

If you have a small reproduction, we could start do integrate some automated tests...