ztizzlegaming / CSGOWinBig

Open-source Counter-Strike: Global Offensive jackpot betting website.
MIT License
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Website shows loding, db looks ok #202

Open radumihai8 opened 8 years ago

radumihai8 commented 8 years ago


Thank you for your time and for releasing the site. First, the problem is that when i go to the site instead of the pot and chat it appears "Loading...". I managed to log in so i assume that means the database is working. I tried to insert a chat message, but still the same ( http://m.imgur.com/ZP2c7U3). I checked and the database password / login is good. I think maybe i didnt insert the message how it should be. This is what login-status says : "{"success":1,"data":{"loginStatus":1,"userInfo":{"steamid":"76561198139211892","communityvisibilitystate":3,"profilestate":1,"personaname":"Hust","lastlogoff":1458478291,"profileurl":"http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/profiles\/76561198139211892\/","avatar":"https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/71\/7162b62c93462b494c74b40e1c17a5ef67558f1f.jpg","avatarmedium":"https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/71\/7162b62c93462b494c74b40e1c17a5ef67558f1f_medium.jpg","avatarfull":"https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/71\/7162b62c93462b494c74b40e1c17a5ef67558f1f_full.jpg","personastate":3,"realname":"Real name not given","primaryclanid":"103582791433765219","timecreated":1401911484},"tradeToken":"48o5FJps","info":{"gamesPlayedToday":0,"moneyWonToday":0,"biggestPotToday":0,"biggestPotEver":null}}}" I followed the instructions with hardcoding the DB in site, maybe it isnt a DB problem and i`m out of ideas. Please help me solve the problem


IGrizzllyI commented 7 years ago

Try to remove the password.txt file thing (when it searches for the password.txt). and actually use $dbPass and $apiKey.