ztoben / assets-webpack-plugin

Webpack plugin that emits a json file with assets paths
MIT License
957 stars 104 forks source link

Multiple outputs broken by 6.0.6 #314

Open daveisfera opened 3 years ago

daveisfera commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug We use webpack to generate multiple outputs and it works with 6.0 but with 6.1 it only outputs the second group of values and not both the first and second group like it did before.

To Reproduce It's happening in proprietary code, but still working on a minimal reproducer

Expected behavior But groups of outputs would still happen with 6.0.6 like it did with 6.0.5

Webpack Config It's happening in proprietary code, but still working on a minimal reproducer

Desktop (please complete the following information):

daveisfera commented 3 years ago

The break was actually caused by 6.0.6 (I updated the title and original description to reflect that)

ztoben commented 3 years ago

@daveisfera if you can get me a reproduction it'd be appreciated. I think I have an idea of what the problem might be, but it would really help me narrow it down for sure.

daveisfera commented 3 years ago
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