ztrayl3 / PyPav2

Pavlok 2 Python API
25 stars 2 forks source link

MacOS #2

Open ruban24 opened 3 years ago

ruban24 commented 3 years ago

Hey I’m really impressed with your code and I’m trying to convert it to work in MacOS, do you have any idea what I could do?

ztrayl3 commented 3 years ago

I'm terribly unfamiliar with Mac OS, however this stack overflow post suggests that there aren't really a lot of good options for using BLE in Python on a Mac. They suggest the Adafruit Library but seem to hint that PyObjC and Node.js are better options. That all being said, a lot of my documentation here was working on tearing apart the GATT protocol that the device uses. In theory, anything that lets you have complete control over GATT and BLE packets could work to control the Pavlok using what I've written here! Another language just means new function names, ideally the same operations though. I am resuming work on this project soon and will maybe get more information as I start up again, but I hope this kind of helps in the meantime.

ayancey commented 1 year ago

Two years late but this would now work with my PR #4