ztsrxh / RoadBEV

Codes for RoadBEV: road surface reconstruction in Bird's Eye View
MIT License
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Export requirements. txt (a list of all libraries and versions) #4

Closed ztsrxh closed 2 months ago

ztsrxh commented 2 months ago
          May I ask if it is possible to export requirements. txt (a list of all libraries and versions)? My CUDA version is 11.8, and I am not sure how to install the correct library version.

Originally posted by @jiajigiser in https://github.com/ztsrxh/RoadBEV/issues/2#issuecomment-2065577101

ztsrxh commented 2 months ago

requirements.txt Here is the full environment information. Please re-pull the repo as we have fixed some bugs just now. The ckpt weights are also updated.

jiajigiser commented 2 months ago

requirements.txt Here is the full environment information. Please re-pull the repo as we have fixed some bugs just now. The ckpt weights are also updated.
