zuelong / save-the-spire

A save editor for the game Slay the Spire
16 stars 13 forks source link

Currently Broken #25

Open ccuubbee opened 6 years ago

ccuubbee commented 6 years ago

From my attempts at editing saves with the current update (third character update) the editor seems to not work 100% of the time for both basic and advanced editing. Whenever I edit a save even if i just add 5 current hp the game crashes when I click continue on the edited run. The website and functionality looks great, I am looking forward to using it when its updated.

zuelong commented 6 years ago

I actually ran into this bug the other day for the first time as well.

The problem looks like it lies with two variables in the save file "current_x" and "current_y" I think they're called. (I'm not at home at the moment, so I can't say for certain).

"current_x" sometimes gets set to a map node that doesn't exist (usually 4 or something), changing it to 3 solves the problem.

I'm not sure how to remedy this at the moment, but I'll see what I can do, give me until the weekend is over :)