zufuliu / notepad4

Notepad4 (Notepad2⨯2, Notepad2++) is a light-weight Scintilla based text editor for Windows with syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion and API list for many programming languages and documents, bundled with file browser plugin matepath.
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'Program Flow' View Option #788

Open meteorquake opened 2 months ago

meteorquake commented 2 months ago

One thing that would be very handy would be a "Program Flow" colourised view, since often one switches focus from the coding details to the overall program flow, especially if on trying to run it there's an unbalanced bracketting one has to hunt out. Essentially this means highlighting items that have matching points at a distance, whether keywords (if... then... else... endif, function, for, gosub, etc) or brackets [ ] ( ) { } or quotes " ' ` or other operators like ? : but the key thing would be not to highlight them when they are short (e.g. below a certain length and below a certain number of lines) since the eye sees those readily. This could I think be done superficially in such a view either by highlighting the key points in question with a custom background colour (which can be coloured to match flow level), or just dimming anything else, and/or simply having everything else a plain colour with only the program flow elements colourised. As to complexity I'm not sure it would be that hard since the concepts seem already to be present in the program, just lacking being brought together in a 'program flow' ethos; even something simple would be pretty useful. Any thoughts on this from anyone do comment! David