zugexiaodui / campus_vad_code

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Video data processing #12

Open Zxy92999 opened 1 month ago

Zxy92999 commented 1 month ago

dear author,Let me ask you a few questions. how to deal raw video data,including video files, frame files, and track information. I know,tracking files can download from link you provided。 but i dont know how deal videos_dir ,leave only files with the same name as the track file? and i dont know how to get the frame files which code i can use?or i need deal by myself? If you can, can you give me your contact information? My email:68793839@qq.com I appreciate your quick response.pls

zugexiaodui commented 1 month ago

Dealing raw video data is a cumbersome stuff since different datasets have different formats. I have send an email to you.

Zxy92999 commented 1 month ago

I have already dealt with it, but I found that the memory usage during the training process is too high. Is there a way to solve it?

zugexiaodui commented 1 month ago

You may try "workers=2" to reduce the memory usage.