zugexiaodui / campus_vad_code

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What does frame_dir mean? #13

Open yuchen70 opened 1 month ago

yuchen70 commented 1 month ago

Dear author,I want to follow your work, but I dont know how to deal data. What does frame_dir mean in campus_vad_code-main/main/1-train_sce.sh? how can i get it? If you can, can you give me your contact information and help? My email:[22215034@zju.edu.cn] I appreciate your quick response.pls thx.

zugexiaodui commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late reply. frame_dir is the folder containing the extracted frames. The structure of the directory is as follows.

frame_dir: /Train, /Test
- /Train: /video_name_1, /video_name_2 ....
-- /video_name_1: / 0000.jpg, 0001.jpg ...
... ...