zulip / docker-zulip

Container configurations, images, and examples for Zulip.
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ldap & 500: Internal server error. #85

Closed xgodon closed 7 years ago

xgodon commented 7 years ago

hello again,

i have there var:

      DB_HOST: "database"
      DB_USER: "zulip"
      DB_PASS: "password"
      SETTING_MEMCACHED_LOCATION: "memcached:11211"
      SETTING_RABBITMQ_HOST: "rabbitmq"
      SETTING_REDIS_HOST: "redis"
      SECRETS_rabbitmq_password: "password"
      SETTING_EXTERNAL_HOST: "chat.example-portal.com"
      SETTING_ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR: "xavier@example.com"
      SETTING_ADMIN_DOMAIN: "example.com"
      SETTING_NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS: "noreply@example.com"
      SETTING_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: "Zulip <noreply@example.com>"
      SETTING_EMAIL_HOST: "mail.ciscloudvalley.fr"
      SETTING_EMAIL_HOST_USER: "admin-bun@example.com"
      SETTING_ALLOWED_HOSTS: "[ '*', '' ]"
      ZULIP_AUTH_BACKENDS: "ZulipLDAPAuthBackend"
      SETTING_AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH: 'LDAPSearch("ou=People,dc=example-portal,dc=local",ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(mail=%(user)s)")'
      SETTING_AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: "ldap://xx.Xx.Xx.xx"
      SETTING_EMAIL_HOST: 'mail.example.fr'
      ZULIP_USER_EMAIL: "xavier@example.com"
      ZULIP_USER_DOMAIN: "example.com"

but when i try to loggin i have a 500 inernal error.

here is the log :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/current/manage.py", line 29, in <module>
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 367, in execute_from_command_line
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 359, in execute
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 294, in run_from_argv
    self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 345, in execute
    output = self.handle(*args, **options)
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zerver/management/commands/query_ldap.py", line 37, in handle
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zerver/management/commands/query_ldap.py", line 22, in query_ldap
    ldap_attrs = _LDAPUser(backend, backend.django_to_ldap_username(email)).attrs
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_auth_ldap/backend.py", line 418, in _get_user_attrs
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_auth_ldap/backend.py", line 458, in _load_user_attrs
    if self.dn is not None:
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_auth_ldap/backend.py", line 411, in _get_user_dn
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_auth_ldap/backend.py", line 474, in _load_user_dn
  File "/home/zulip/deployments/2017-03-16-15-11-31/zulip-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_auth_ldap/backend.py", line 494, in _search_for_user_dn
    results = search.execute(self.connection, {'user': self._username})
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'execute'

i don't get what i missed :/ thanks for your help

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon Can you run docker exec -it ZULIP_CONTAINER_ID cat /etc/zulip/settings.py and post the output here.

xgodon commented 7 years ago

# Zulip Settings intended to be set by a system administrator.
# See http://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html for
# detailed technical documentation on the Zulip settings system.
# These settings MUST be set in production. In a development environment,
# sensible default values will be used.

# The user-accessible Zulip hostname for this installation, e.g.
# zulip.example.com
EXTERNAL_HOST = 'zulip.example.com'

# The email address for the person or team who maintain the Zulip
# Voyager installation. Will also get support emails. (e.g. zulip-admin@example.com)
ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR = 'zulip-admin@example.com'

# Enable at least one of the following authentication backends.
# See http://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/prod-authentication-methods.html
# for documentation on our authentication backends.
    # 'zproject.backends.EmailAuthBackend', # Email and password; see SMTP setup below
    # 'zproject.backends.GoogleMobileOauth2Backend', # Google Apps, setup below
    # 'zproject.backends.GitHubAuthBackend', # GitHub auth, setup below
    # 'zproject.backends.ZulipLDAPAuthBackend', # LDAP, setup below
    # 'zproject.backends.ZulipRemoteUserBackend', # Local SSO, setup docs on readthedocs

# To enable Google authentication, you need to do the following:
# (1) Visit https://console.developers.google.com, setup an
# Oauth2 client ID that allows redirects to
# e.g. https://zulip.example.com/accounts/login/google/done/.
# (2) Then click into the APIs and Auth section (in the sidebar on the
# left side of the page), APIs, then under "Social APIs" click on
# "Google+ API" and click the button to enable the API.
# (3) put your client secret as "google_oauth2_client_secret" in
# zulip-secrets.conf, and your client ID right here:
# GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=<your client ID from Google>

# To enable GitHub authentication, you will need to need to do the following:
# (1) Register an OAuth2 application with GitHub at one of:
#   https://github.com/settings/applications
#   https://github.com/organizations/ORGNAME/settings/applications
# Specify e.g. https://zulip.example.com/complete/github/ as the callback URL.
# (2) Put your "Client ID" as SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY below and your
# "Client secret" as social_auth_github_secret in
# /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf.
# SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY = <your client ID from GitHub>
# (3) You can also configure the GitHub integration to only allow
# members of a particular GitHub team or organization to login to your
# Zulip server using GitHub authentication; to enable this, set one of the
# two parameters below:
# SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_ID = <your team id>
# SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_NAME = <your org name>

# If you are using the ZulipRemoteUserBackend authentication backend,
# set this to your domain (e.g. if REMOTE_USER is "username" and the
# corresponding email address is "username@example.com", set
# SSO_APPEND_DOMAIN = "example.com")
SSO_APPEND_DOMAIN = None # type: str

# Configure the outgoing SMTP server below. For testing, you can skip
# sending emails entirely by commenting out EMAIL_HOST, but you will
# want to configure this to support email address confirmation emails,
# missed message emails, onboarding follow-up emails, etc. To
# configure SMTP, you will need to complete the following steps:
# (1) Fill out the outgoing email sending configuration below.
# (2) Put the SMTP password for EMAIL_HOST_USER in
# /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf as email_password.
# (3) If you are using a gmail account to send outgoing email, you
# will likely need to read this Google support answer and configure
# that account as "less secure":
# https://support.google.com/mail/answer/14257.
# You can quickly test your sending email configuration using:
#   su zulip
#   /home/zulip/deployments/current/manage.py send_test_email username@example.com
# A common problem is hosting providers that block outgoing SMTP traffic.
# With the exception of reading EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD from
# email_password in the Zulip secrets file, Zulip uses Django's
# standard EmailBackend, so if you're having issues, you may want to
# search for documentation on using your email provider with Django.
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
# The email From address to be used for automatically generated emails
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "Zulip <zulip@example.com>"
# The noreply address to be used as Reply-To for certain generated emails.
# Messages sent to this address should not be delivered anywhere.
NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "noreply@example.com"

# A comma-separated list of strings representing the host/domain names
# that your users will enter in their browsers to access your Zulip
# server. This is a security measure to prevent an attacker from
# poisoning caches and triggering password reset emails with links to
# malicious hosts by submitting requests with a fake HTTP Host
# header. See Django's documentation here:
# <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts>.
# Zulip adds 'localhost' to the list automatically.


# Controls whether session cookies expire when the browser closes

# Session cookie expiry in seconds after the last page load
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2 # 2 weeks

# Password strength requirements; learn about configuration at
# http://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/security-model.html.

# Controls whether or not there is a feedback button in the UI.

# By default, the feedback button will submit feedback to the Zulip
# developers.  If you set FEEDBACK_EMAIL to be an email address
# (e.g. ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR), feedback sent by your users will instead
# be sent to that email address.

# Controls whether or not error reports (tracebacks) are emailed to the
# server administrators.
# For frontend (JavaScript) tracebacks

# Controls whether or not Zulip will provide inline image preview when
# a link to an image is referenced in a message.

# Controls whether or not Zulip will parse links starting with
# "file:///" as a hyperlink (useful if you have e.g. an NFS share).

# By default, files uploaded by users and user avatars are stored
# directly on the Zulip server.  If file storage in Amazon S3 is
# desired, you can configure that as follows:
# (1) Set s3_key and s3_secret_key in /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf to
# be the S3 access and secret keys that you want to use, and setting
# the S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET and S3_AVATAR_BUCKET to be the S3 buckets
# you've created to store file uploads and user avatars, respectively.
# Then restart Zulip (scripts/restart-zulip).
# (2) Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/zulip-enterprise to comment out
# the nginx configuration for /user_uploads and /user_avatars (see
# https://github.com/zulip/zulip/issues/291 for discussion of a better
# solution that won't be automatically reverted by the Zulip upgrade
# script), and then restart nginx.
LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR = "/home/zulip/uploads"

# Maximum allowed size of uploaded files, in megabytes.  DO NOT SET
# ABOVE 80MB.  The file upload implementation doesn't support chunked
# uploads, so browsers will crash if you try uploading larger files.

# Controls whether name changes are completely disabled for this installation
# This is useful in settings where you're syncing names from an integrated LDAP/Active Directory

# Controls whether users who have not uploaded an avatar will receive an avatar
# from gravatar.com.

# To override the default avatar image if ENABLE_GRAVATAR is False, place your
# custom default avatar image at /home/zulip/local-static/default-avatar.png
# and uncomment the following line.
#DEFAULT_AVATAR_URI = '/local-static/default-avatar.png'

# To access an external postgres database you should define the host name in
# REMOTE_POSTGRES_HOST, you can define the password in the secrets file in the
# property postgres_password, and the SSL connection mode in REMOTE_POSTGRES_SSLMODE
# Different options are:
#   disable: I don't care about security, and I don't want to pay the overhead of encryption.
#   allow: I don't care about security, but I will pay the overhead of encryption if the server insists on it.
#   prefer: I don't care about encryption, but I wish to pay the overhead of encryption if the server supports it.
#   require: I want my data to be encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I trust that the network will make sure
#            I always connect to the server I want.
#   verify-ca: I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure that I connect to a server
#              that I trust.
#   verify-full: I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure that I connect to a server
#                I trust, and that it's the one I specify.
#REMOTE_POSTGRES_HOST = 'dbserver.example.com'

# If you want to set custom TOS, set the path to your markdown file, and uncomment
# the following line.
# TERMS_OF_SERVICE = '/etc/zulip/terms.md'


# Zulip supports showing inline Tweet previews when a tweet is linked
# to in a message.  To support this, Zulip must have access to the
# Twitter API via OAuth.  To obtain the various access tokens needed
# below, you must register a new application under your Twitter
# account by doing the following:
# 1. Log in to http://dev.twitter.com.
# 2. In the menu under your username, click My Applications. From this page, create a new application.
# 3. Click on the application you created and click "create my access token".
# 4. Fill in the values for twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret, twitter_access_token_key,
#    and twitter_access_token_secret in /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf.


# The Email gateway integration supports sending messages into Zulip
# by sending an email.  This is useful for receiving notifications
# from third-party services that only send outgoing notifications via
# email.  Once this integration is configured, each stream will have
# an email address documented on the stream settings page an emails
# sent to that address will be delivered into the stream.
# There are two ways to configure email mirroring in Zulip:
#  1. Local delivery: A MTA runs locally and passes mail directly to Zulip
#  2. Polling: Checks an IMAP inbox every minute for new messages.
# The local delivery configuration is preferred for production because
# it supports nicer looking email addresses and has no cron delay,
# while the polling mechanism is better for testing/developing this
# feature because it doesn't require a public-facing IP/DNS setup.
# The main email mirror setting is the email address pattern, where
# you specify the email address format you'd like the integration to
# use.  It should be one of the following:
#   %s@zulip.example.com (for local delivery)
#   username+%s@example.com (for polling if EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN=username@example.com)
# If you are using local delivery, EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN is all you need
# to change in this file.  You will also need to enable the Zulip postfix
# configuration to support local delivery by adding
#   , zulip::postfix_localmail
# to puppet_classes in /etc/zulip/zulip.conf and then running
# `scripts/zulip-puppet-apply -f` to do the installation.
# If you are using polling, you will need to setup an IMAP email
# account dedicated to Zulip email gateway messages.  The model is
# that users will send emails to that account via an address of the
# form username+%s@example.com (which is what you will set as
# EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN); your email provider should deliver those
# emails to the username@example.com inbox.  Then you run in a cron
# job `./manage.py email_mirror` (see puppet/zulip/files/cron.d/email-mirror),
# which will check that inbox and batch-process any new messages.
# You will need to configure authentication for the email mirror
# command to access the IMAP mailbox below and in zulip-secrets.conf.
# The IMAP login; username here and password as email_gateway_password in
# zulip-secrets.conf.
# The IMAP server & port to connect to
# The IMAP folder name to check for emails. All emails sent to EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN above
# must be delivered to this folder

### LDAP integration configuration
# Zulip supports retrieving information about users via LDAP, and
# optionally using LDAP as an authentication mechanism.
# In either configuration, you will need to do the following:
# * Fill in the LDAP configuration options below so that Zulip can
# connect to your LDAP server
# * Setup the mapping between email addresses (used as login names in
# Zulip) and LDAP usernames.  There are two supported ways to setup
# the username mapping:
#   (A) If users' email addresses are in LDAP, set
#       AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH to lookup users by email address
#   (B) If LDAP only has usernames but email addresses are of the form
#       username@example.com, you should set:
#       LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN = example.com and
#       AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH to lookup users by username
# You can quickly test whether your configuration works by running:
#   ./manage.py query_ldap username@example.com
# From the root of your Zulip installation; if your configuration is working
# that will output the full name for your user.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# If you are using LDAP for authentication, you will need to enable
# the zproject.backends.ZulipLDAPAuthBackend auth backend in
# AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS above.  After doing so, you should be able
# to login to Zulip by entering your email address and LDAP password
# on the Zulip login form.
# If you are using LDAP to populate names in Zulip, once you finish
# configuring this integration, you will need to run:
#   ./manage.py sync_ldap_user_data
# To sync names for existing users; you may want to run this in a cron
# job to pick up name changes made on your LDAP server.
import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, GroupOfNamesType

# URI of your LDAP server. If set, LDAP is used to prepopulate a user's name in
# Zulip. Example: "ldaps://ldap.example.com"

# This DN will be used to bind to your server. If unset, anonymous
# binds are performed.  If set, you need to specify the password as
# 'auth_ldap_bind_password' in zulip-secrets.conf.

# Specify the search base and the property to filter on that corresponds to the
# username.
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
                                   ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)")

# If the value of a user's "uid" (or similar) property is not their email
# address, specify the domain to append here.
LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN = None # type: str

# This map defines how to populate attributes of a Zulip user from LDAP.
    # Populate the Django user's name from the LDAP directory.
    "full_name": "cn",

# The default CAMO_URI of '/external_content/' is served by the camo
# setup in the default Voyager nginx configuration.  Setting CAMO_URI
# to '' will disable the Camo integration.
CAMO_URI = '/external_content/'

# RabbitMQ configuration
# By default, Zulip connects to rabbitmq running locally on the machine,
# but Zulip also supports connecting to RabbitMQ over the network;
# to use a remote RabbitMQ instance, set RABBITMQ_HOST here.
# RABBITMQ_HOST = "localhost"
# To use another rabbitmq user than the default 'zulip', set RABBITMQ_USERNAME here.

# Memcached configuration
# By default, Zulip connects to memcached running locally on the machine,
# but Zulip also supports connecting to memcached over the network;
# to use a remote Memcached instance, set MEMCACHED_LOCATION here.
# Format HOST:PORT

# Redis configuration
# By default, Zulip connects to redis running locally on the machine,
# but Zulip also supports connecting to redis over the network;
# to use a remote Redis instance, set REDIS_HOST here.
# For a different redis port set the REDIS_PORT here.
# REDIS_PORT = 6379
# If you set redis_password in zulip-secrets.conf, Zulip will use that password
# to connect to the redis server.

# Controls whether Zulip will rate-limit user requests.
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('zproject.backends.ZulipLDAPAuthBackend',)
EXTERNAL_HOST = 'chat.mycompany-portal.com'
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ '*', '' ]
NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'noreply@mycompany.com'
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx'
ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR = 'xavier.godon@mycompany.com'
REDIS_HOST = 'redis'
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = 'LDAPSearch("ou=People,dc=mycompany-portal,dc=local",ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(mail=%(user)s)")'
RABBITMQ_HOST = 'rabbitmq'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'Zulip <noreply@mycompany.com>'
MEMCACHED_LOCATION = 'memcached:11211'
ADMIN_DOMAIN = 'mycompany.com'
galexrt commented 7 years ago

Mhh, can you add the LINK_SETTINGS_TO_DATA and MANUAL_CONFIGURATION with the value true again. And copy in the config you just posted here, but with the slight change of removing the single quotes around the value from the line beginning with AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH.

galexrt commented 7 years ago

Before that, please try removing the single quotes from the docker-compose.yml for the SETTING_AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH variable.

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon I have pushed a commit to the dev branch. In about 10 minutes a new dev image should be available. Please then try with the image quay.io/galexrt/zulip:dev and report back if the AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH still has the single quotes around the value (LDAPSearch(...)).

xgodon commented 7 years ago

with LINK_SETTINGS_TO_DATA and MANUAL_CONFIGURATION, when i remove the single quotes and add in /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf auth_ldap_bind_password = "" the image works

xgodon commented 7 years ago

but with the AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "" only, it doesn't seems to work. Okey i'll go back to you in 20 min then :) thanks again!

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon Please wait for the new dev image and try without the LINK_SETTINGS_TO_DATA and MANUAL_CONFIGURATION. The changes in the dev image should fix the issue.

The dev image has been built. Please try with the quay.io/galexrt/zulip:dev image.

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon For AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN the password needs to be added like this as a environmental variable: SECRET_auth_ldap_bind_password: "YOUR_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD.

xgodon commented 7 years ago
SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password: ""

doesn't work :/

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon It has to be: SECRET_auth_ldap_bind_password and not SECRETS_....

xgodon commented 7 years ago

SECRET_auth_ldap_bind_password wasn't working. so i thought you made a mistake, as other secrets are with an s.

xgodon commented 7 years ago

and even when i manually add it in zulip-secrets.conf i still have the @acme.com bug... :/

galexrt commented 7 years ago

Oh you are right. It is with an S. What error is Zulip showing you? When you have added SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password to your docker-compose.yml, the auth_ldap_bind_password didn't show up in your zulip-secrets.conf?

xgodon commented 7 years ago

the secret isn't set in the zulip-secrets.conf. so i've got an invalid credential error!

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon I'm taking a look at the issue and going to fix it fast for you.

galexrt commented 7 years ago

Can you take a look at your data volume of the zulip container and check if there is a file named zulip-secrets.conf. It should contain the other secrets and Zulip should use this file for the secrets.

xgodon commented 7 years ago

nope i had the volume removed !

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon The secret is added to the zulip-secrets.conf for me when using SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password. Can you add DEBUG: "True" as a environment variable to the docker-compose.yml and post the output (remove all passwords from it, as the values of the variables will be shown).

xgodon commented 7 years ago

zulip_1 | + echo 'Secret found for "rabbitmq_password".' zulip_1 | + for SECRET_KEY in '"${SECRETS[@]}"' zulip_1 | + local key=SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password zulip_1 | + local SECRET_VAR= zulip_1 | + '[' -z '' ']' zulip_1 | + echo 'Empty secret for key "auth_ldap_bind_password".' zulip_1 | + continue zulip_1 | + set -e zulip_1 | + unset SECRET_KEY SECRET_VAR key zulip_1 | + '[' -e /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf ']' zulip_1 | + echo 'Linking secrets from data dir to etc zulip ...' zulip_1 | + ln -s /data/zulip-secrets.conf /etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf zulip_1 | + echo 'Linked existing secrets from data dir to etc zulip.' zulip_1 | + echo 'Zulip secrets configuration succeeded.'

and later

zulip_1 | + su zulip -c '/home/zulip/deployments/current/manage.py checkconfig' zulip_1 | Secret found for "rabbitmq_password". zulip_1 | Empty secret for key "auth_ldap_bind_password". zulip_1 | Linking secrets from data dir to etc zulip ... zulip_1 | Linked existing secrets from data dir to etc zulip. zulip_1 | Zulip secrets configuration succeeded.

i assume as the var is empty, no line is created. do you want me to post the rest?

thank you for your time Xavier

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon You have to set a value for the SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password variable or else it won't be added. Did you set a value for the variable?

xgodon commented 7 years ago

i just want to bind anonymously, so i just set SECRETS_auth_ldap_bind_password: "" i have no value to put there...

galexrt commented 7 years ago

I pushed a change to the dev branch to allow empty secrets. The image should be built in about 5 minutes (the quay.io image). Please repull the image and try again (use the dev image tag). (To repull run docker pull quay.io/galexrt/zulip:dev)

xgodon commented 7 years ago

it works! :)

galexrt commented 7 years ago

@xgodon That's good to hear! I'll let you know when I release a new version that includes this fix, so you can switch from the dev tag to the version tag then.