zulip / zulip-redmine-plugin

Redmine plugin for Zulip notifications on issue tracker changes
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 17 forks source link

dysfunctional? #6

Closed l0rn closed 5 years ago

l0rn commented 6 years ago

I followed this https://zulipchat.com/integrations/doc/redmine closely

But no updates are sent to my zulip instance.

Redmine Version: Environment: Redmine version 3.4.2.stable Ruby version 2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [x86_64-linux-gnu] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment production Database adapter PostgreSQL SCM: Git 2.11.0 Filesystem Redmine plugins: a_common_libs 2.4.0 redmine_agile 1.4.5 redmine_bootstrap_kit 0.2.4 redmine_people 1.3.1 redmine_scheduling_poll 3.0.0 redmine_zulip 0.91 rm_user_mentions 1.0.2

Zulip 1.8.0 on a private docker setup.

I noticed when I put in all the required information on the /settings/plugin/redmine_zulip page the input fields are blank after submitting - is this normal?

Attached images of what I put in the configuration page. bildschirmfoto vom 2018-04-19 12-28-34

bildschirmfoto vom 2018-04-19 12-28-40

timabbott commented 6 years ago

I don't run a redmine server, so would have a hard time debugging efficiently; @TomaszKolek do you have time to help with this?

kojir0 commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue. Redmine version 3.4.5.stable Ruby version 2.4.1-p111 (2017-03-22) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.8

I'am not a ruby dev neither a Redmine one but i made this modification in the file app/views/settings/_redmine_zulip.html.erb

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_email)) %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'settings[zulip_email]', @settings['zulip_email'] %>

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_api_key)) %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'settings[zulip_api_key]', @settings['zulip_api_key'] %>

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_stream)) %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'settings[zulip_stream]', @settings['zulip_stream'] %>

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_server)) %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'settings[zulip_server]', @settings['zulip_server'] %>

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_port)) %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'settings[zulip_port]', @settings['zulip_port'] %>

    <%= content_tag(:label, l(:zulip_settings_label_projects)) %>
    <%= select_tag 'settings[projects][]', project_tree_options_for_select(Project.active, :selected => Project.find_by_id(@settings['projects'])), :multiple => true, :size => Project.active.size %>

But it doesn't work for the selected project.

I had to change the lib/zulip_view_hooks.rb too. Again i'am not a ruby dev so don't judge me :rofl: With my setup Zulip url had to be 'hostname.domain.com' only no https, no /api ... It will work only with https zulip setup. Feel free to clean change my code :)

# encoding: utf-8

require 'json'
require "uri"

class NotificationHook < Redmine::Hook::Listener

    # We generate Zulips for creating and updating issues.

    def controller_issues_new_after_save(context = {})
        issue = context[:issue]
        project = issue.project

        if !configured(project)
            # Fail silently: the rest of the app needs to continue working.
             return true

        content = %Q{%s opened [issue %d: %s](%s) in %s

~~~ quote

**Priority**: %s
**Status**: %s
**Assigned to**: %s} % [User.current.name, issue.id, issue.subject, url(issue),
                        project.name, issue.description, issue.priority.to_s,
                        issue.status.to_s, issue.assigned_to.to_s]

        send_zulip_message(content, project)

    def controller_issues_edit_after_save(context = {})
        issue = context[:issue]
        project = issue.project

        if !configured(project)
            # Fail silently: the rest of the app needs to continue working.
             return true

        content = %Q{%s updated [issue %d: %s](%s) in %s

~~~ quote
~~~} % [User.current.name, issue.id, issue.subject, url(issue),
        project.name, issue.notes]

        send_zulip_message(content, project)


    def configured(project)
        # The plugin can be configured as a system setting or per-project.

        if !project.zulip_email.empty? && !project.zulip_api_key.empty? &&
           !project.zulip_stream.empty? && Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['projects'] &&
            # We have full per-project settings.
            return true
        elsif Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['projects'] &&
            Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_email'] &&
            Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_api_key'] &&
            Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_stream'] &&
            # We have full global settings.
            return true

        Rails.logger.info "Missing config, can't sent to Zulip!"
        return false

    def zulip_email(project)
        if !project.zulip_email.empty?
            return project.zulip_email
        return Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_email']

    def zulip_api_key(project)
        if !project.zulip_api_key.empty?
            return project.zulip_api_key
        return Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_api_key']

    def zulip_stream(project)
        if !project.zulip_stream.empty?
            return project.zulip_stream
        return Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_stream']

   def zulip_server()
       return Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_server']

   def zulip_port()
      if Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_port']
        return Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_port']
      return 443

    def url(issue)
        return "#{Setting[:protocol]}://#{Setting[:host_name]}/issues/#{issue.id}"

    def send_zulip_message(content, project)

        data = {"to" => zulip_stream(project),
                "type" => "stream",
                "subject" => project.name,
                "content" => content}

        Rails.logger.info "Forwarding to Zulip: #{data['content']}"

        new_uri = "https://" + Setting.plugin_redmine_zulip['zulip_server'] + "/api/v1/messages"
        uri = URI.parse(new_uri)
        http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
        http.use_ssl = true

        req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
        req.basic_auth zulip_email(project), zulip_api_key(project)
        req.add_field('User-Agent', 'ZulipRedmine/0.1')

        rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e
            Rails.logger.error "Error while POSTing to Zulip: #{e}"
timabbott commented 5 years ago

This was fixed in the recent set of PRs merged, I think #11.