zumbov2 / RSwissMaps

Plot and Save Customised Thematic Swiss Maps with R
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List & get Swiss geodata functions #3

Open d-qn opened 6 years ago

d-qn commented 6 years ago

Handy package thank you! Do you happen to have some non-exported functions that download and process the Swiss statistical office's geodata that is used by the package (saved into data/)?

I would suggest to have such low level functions that return the geodata in a geospatial format (i.e shapefiles) for a given year, resolution, administrative boundaries, ... With package such as sf that would open then the possibility to all kind of spatial operations: reproject, join, intersect, ...

I have an interest for such functions and I think I could work on that. Question would be then whether it should be part of RSwissMaps or be in a separate package (on which RSwissMaps could rely and depend on).

d-qn commented 6 years ago

Still interested by such functionality, but I have just been told by the Swiss statistical office that Swisstopo is currently working to provide these geodata via their API. I'll wait then for the API