zume2020 / Telegram-bot-Google-Drive

Simple Telegram bot Google Drive integration example
MIT License
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storage.json #13

Closed stealwin closed 2 years ago

stealwin commented 2 years ago

For what need this file?I cant find it in project? i need to create this by myself?

zume2020 commented 2 years ago

no, you don't have to create that file. I think that is automatically created when you authenticate the application. BTW, are you getting any errors?

stealwin commented 2 years ago

no, you don't have to create that file. I think that is automatically created when you authenticate the application. BTW, are you getting any errors?

i'm trying integrate your part code of posting image in google drive from bot with telebot what data should be in storage.json?

zume2020 commented 2 years ago

You can just ignore storage.json

stealwin commented 2 years ago

why you didn't use pyTelegramBotAPI in your example?

zume2020 commented 2 years ago

I felt the currently used library pretty good when I started the project, they have good docs and a pretty good developer community in telegram. that's why I chose it. BTW still you didn't mention what is your exact issue.

stealwin commented 2 years ago

i want my bot which using pyTelegramBotAPI i need to integrate part for posting document in google drive of your code