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Complete Metadatable implementations #148

Open berndmoos opened 1 year ago

berndmoos commented 1 year ago

The interface Metadatable is extended by the following interfaces:

In the AGD/DGD implementation of these interfaces, the following classes implement Metadatable (by providing a method body for public String getMetadataValue(MetadataKey key) ...

Note that there is no implementation of SpeakerInSpeechEvent!

... while the following do not (i.e. they throw an UnsopportedOperationException):

In the COMA implementation of the interfaces, the following classes implement the method:

... while the following do not:

Note that there is no implementation of SpeakerInSpeechEvent (because that concept does not exist in COMA) and no implementation of AdditionalMaterial!

Implementing `Metadatable' for corpora, media, transcripts and additional material absolutely makes sense. That is has not been done so far is probably only because we did not need the respective methods in any application. Should do that now... Also, the missing classes could be written, but that would be a separate issue.