zunath / CyberpunkZombieSurvival_JVM

Server-side Java code used in the Neverwinter Nights Cyberpunk Zombie Survival module.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Stealthy Ability #178

Open zunath opened 6 years ago

zunath commented 6 years ago

Player recommends adding the NWN Stealthy ability which grants +2 to Hide and +2 to Move Silently. However, instead of +2 he recommends +4.

I think this is a good suggestion - we'll need to run some numbers to see what it looks like, but it's open for discussion.

NariKat commented 6 years ago

I don't know how the "default" NWN stealth mechanics interact with CZS's stealth system... if this means giving 4 ranks on both hide and move silently in CZS perk system, I feel it's a lot of "free points", but again, I don't know what's the actual benefit from taking them as I haven't tested it myself.. I'm impartial, only a little wary of how much free skill points would mean to give a player 8 ranks in abilities from one single ability disk, but it's not something I'm very concerned about since it's just about stealthing around... you'e not going to mass murder zombies by being sneaky.

taelon875 commented 6 years ago

I guess I should throw my hat into this. I say we leave this for now until I can get the stealth gear done and then revisit. As of right now though Maxed out Stealth only gives a 50/50 chance to hide form t1 which is fine, but that s a lot of point investment and does not factor in that t2 zeds get a bonus to spot so it really makes their chances more like 33/66. I want to see stealth as a viable option so being able to hide completely from zeds should be possible. A stealth-er can't gain any kind of experience because they are unable to complete any actions without breaking stealth.

Again someone brought up Hide in Plain Sight to me. I am not sure how I feel about it...Perhaps Zunath could change how it works and it has like a % chance to work and it is a AMP disc?

Drakaden commented 6 years ago

Hide in plain sight should stay out of the game, but we could lower the general view range of zombies, right now they can see you at any distance.

Though if HiPS ever get in the game, it would need a lenghty cooldown and a separate Hiding icon, so people can choose when to trigger it.