zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
40 stars 96 forks source link

Revamp - Bugs #5 #1396

Closed zunath closed 2 years ago

zunath commented 2 years ago

Tracking bugs found in revamp testing. New thread created as the old one was getting cluttered.

Bug ticket 1: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1130 Bug ticket 2: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1359 Bug ticket 3: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1380 Bug ticket 4: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1387

zunath commented 2 years ago

It's possible to double search scavenge points. Click on one from an angle where you can't open it. Then move around and click again from when you can. Opening it will result in two search rolls with two chances to spawn contents - but still only XP based on the second roll.

zunath commented 2 years ago

The code in the attack roll that determines the character's facing uses their facing -before- the attack not their facing during it. If a character turns to attack, they will be treated as having their old facing for the purpose of backstab calculations. This is abusable.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Appearance editor is throwing this exception - something related to part 18. Could be an off by one error.

Exception type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Message : The given key '18' was not present in the dictionary. Stacktrace: ~~at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.get_Item(TKey key) at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.AppearanceEditorViewModel.LoadBodyParts() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\AppearanceEditorViewModel.cs:line 451 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.AppearanceEditorViewModel.Initialize(GuiPayloadBase initialPayload) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\AppearanceEditorViewModel.cs:line 213 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiViewModelBase2.Bind(UInt32 player, Int32 windowToken, GuiRectangle initialGeometry, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiViewModelBase.cs:line 199 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.TogglePlayerWindow(UInt32 player, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 326 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.CharacterSheetViewModel.b__91_0() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\CharacterSheetViewModel.cs:line 236 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.HandleNuiEvents() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 230 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 133~~

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The Dash ability icon is upside down.

Steps to Reproduce:

Open the Character window with 'C'. Select Perks > General Perks. Notice that the Dash icon is upside down.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Seems the ui bugs out when you go from ship to land, my HP bar is stacked up all of saying i have 40 HP /40 like my ship when it also displays the normal amounts



zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report After five of the Qion Mutation Beasts spent some time spanking Kaz the server crashed, possibly from the spam of on-hit slow.


 NWNX Signal Handler:
 NWNX 8193.34 (9cfc0f5) has crashed. Fatal error: Segmentation fault (11).
 Please file a bug at https://github.com/nwnxee/unified/issues

    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(_ZN7NWNXLib8Platform13GetStackTraceB5cxx11Eh+0x3a) [0x7f3c9f397c0a]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x87) [0x7f3c9f2eb1b7]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f3c9c8be9e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [

    ./nwserver-linux(_ZN16CNWCCMessageDataD2Ev+0x28) [0x5594a5e26598]
    /nwn/nwnx//NWNX_SWIG_DotNET.so(CSharp_NWNfNativefAPI_delete_CNWCCMessageData___+0x16) [0x7f3bebe41fa6]
 NWNX Signal Handler:
 NWNX 8193.34 (9cfc0f5) has crashed. Fatal error: Segmentation fault (11).
 Please file a bug at https://github.com/nwnxee/unified/issues

    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(_ZN7NWNXLib8Platform13GetStackTraceB5cxx11Eh+0x3a) [0x7f3c9f397c0a]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x87) [0x7f3c9f2eb1b7]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f3c9c8be9e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [0x7f3c9eee0730]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x1fd) [0x7f3c9ed30611]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x15d) [0x7f3c9f2eb28d]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f3c9c8be9e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [0x7f3c9eee0730]
    ./nwserver-linux(_ZN16CNWCCMessageDataD2Ev+0x28) [0x5594a5e26598]
    /nwn/nwnx//NWNX_SWIG_DotNET.so(CSharp_NWNfNativefAPI_delete_CNWCCMessageData___+0x16) [0x7f3bebe41fa6]

 NWNX Signal Handler:
 NWNX 8193.34 (9cfc0f5) has crashed. Fatal error: Segmentation fault (11).
 Please file a bug at https://github.com/nwnxee/unified/issues

    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(_ZN7NWNXLib8Platform13GetStackTraceB5cxx11Eh+0x3a) [0x7f0616422c0a]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x87) [0x7f06163761b7]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f06139499e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [0x7f0615f6b730]
    ./nwserver-linux(_ZN16CNWCCMessageDataD2Ev+0x28) [0x564205c65598]
    /nwn/nwnx//NWNX_SWIG_DotNET.so(CSharp_NWNfNativefAPI_delete_CNWCCMessageData___+0x16) [0x7f056325dfa6]
 NWNX Signal Handler:
 NWNX 8193.34 (9cfc0f5) has crashed. Fatal error: Segmentation fault (11).
 Please file a bug at https://github.com/nwnxee/unified/issues

    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(_ZN7NWNXLib8Platform13GetStackTraceB5cxx11Eh+0x3a) [0x7f0616422c0a]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x87) [0x7f06163761b7]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f06139499e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [0x7f0615f6b730]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x1fd) [0x7f0615dbb611]
    /nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so(nwnx_signal_handler+0x15d) [0x7f061637628d]
    /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.5/libcoreclr.so(+0x4dc9e1) [0x7f06139499e1]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(<UNKNOWN>) [0x7f0615f6b730]
    ./nwserver-linux(_ZN16CNWCCMessageDataD2Ev+0x28) [0x564205c65598]
    /nwn/nwnx//NWNX_SWIG_DotNET.so(CSharp_NWNfNativefAPI_delete_CNWCCMessageData___+0x16) [0x7f056325dfa6]

More notes:

Basically what happened is we were testing stuf out in pvp Dozens of fights happened without subudal on, all was well One fight I decide to try subdual Kill another player It crashed the server immediately As in, it said I damaged them, said they lost the effects of their buffs Didnt even say "So and so killed s and so" Just instant crash


we did test it against a mynock with 255 Vitality just to see if it's anything to do with NPC's with levels or DMG attribute items/skins on them, there was no server crash from that

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Poison status effects from Korriban wildlife don't appear to ever fade away.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Dying in space while piloting a ship, and then respawning appears to result in respawning as the ship model, not the character model. This happened when I was DM killed so I could return to the hanger quickly by respawn. I had 50 piloting, 5 perks invested to pilot the ship, and I was piloting the Striker with no modifications.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report With a 24 DMG weapon and 24 Might, and 50 One-Handed skill, my Attack comes out at 132. Which is correct as per the Damage Calculation spreadsheet. The problem is I have Doublehand and Strong Style. The weapon DMG should be 24 plus 10, which makes me think the bonus DMG aspect of Strong Style doesn't work. Also, my 24 Might should be technically modified to 36 due to the 1.5x Calculation. It should mean that with Doublehand, my Attack should come out at 144, not 132. I don't know if something is broken with the Plus 10 DMG of rank 5 Strong Style, and with Doublehnad, but at the very least I dont see it change on the character sheet.

Zun note: Likely just a character sheet display issue.

Zun note: Not taking any action here. These perks and such are applied as part of combat - they aren't actually modifying your stats. I feel it's confusing to change your stats like that when they are only changed in one particular situation. I.E What happens when you do a dice roll against MGT and 24 is used instead of 36? I feel this causes more problems than it solves so for that reason I'm not moving forward with this change.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report 26 PER / 26 AGI / 21 VIT, using T5 Electrofoil, attacking 24 VIT / 155 Physical Defense does only 3-4 damage per hit, which seems way off looking at the damage tables.

Our ideas are that it doesnt count lightsabers as a finesse weapon. This may be connected to Ticket QR444UMC in which the same was true for the Saberstaff The values are equal to the game assuming 10 instead of 26 PER

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report On log-in weapons have to be re-equipped in order to get the correct amount of attacks per round. Sometimes this also bugs in the middle of combat, but we have not been able to replicate this consistently.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Logging out and back in after being subdued, but before the knockdown has expired, seems to cause the "Fatigued" debuff to not take effect, resulting in being much less slowed down

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Smithery Recipe perks' listed costs in the perk menu do not line up correctly with their actual costs.

Bug Report In the perk buy menu, Engineering Recipe perks, especially Enhancement Blueprints, do not line up with their actual costs.

Bug Report First Aid perk costs, especially Ranged Healing and Frugal Medic, do not line up with their actual costs.

Zun note: Combination of the Buy Button in the UI not refreshing after a purchase and the Engineering perks being aligned incorrectly.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report If you move during the cast time or during the jumping animation sequence for Force Leap then your character just won't jump at all, but you still inflict damage/stun on your target as normal, albeit at distance. Looks quite funky.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Applying Tier 5 Ice to Electroblade V causes the entirety of damage to go from Phys 24 to Ice 34.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Leg Sweep ability for Martial Art - Staffs has an activation range of 5 metres despite being an on-next-melee attack ability, which just doesn't really make sense to me? It needs to be targeted on a foe to activate. I seem to remember weapon abilities in legacy that worked like that, you just activated and it popped on your next shot. Sort of prefer that, it makes it awkward when you're running into a fight and want to pre-cook it for your first strike, sometimes miss when you need to wait until 5 metres before using it. 10-15 would probably be fine, it just feels really short right now. Probably same comment for any other weapon abilities if they're such short range. I don't remember running into this issue with 2hand swords though and Im sure I was using the same sort of gameplay strats.

Zun note: Change from target selection to self-only.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Perhaps intended, perhaps not, but "Good Quality Leather" does not stack.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Feedback: While FP/STM mods seem appropriate given they're intended to be smaller pools, HP Enhancement rank 5 only grants 6 HP. I feel this should be substantially more. Perhaps 6 HP at rank 1 and +6 every rank up to +30, to keep it competitive with other options.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Feedback: Elemental damage mods at t5 each grant +10 DMG. By applying 2 T5 Elemental DMG mods, you can effectively double your DMG output, which vastly outpaces alternatives. Reducing the DMG to 3 or 5 to keep it in line with Physical and Force DMG enhancements would fix this.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Required progress for crafting does not always reset to its base required value after finishing a craft. This seems to happen when crafting fails. Example: Transcendant gloves require 193 Progress to complete by default. If I were to fail after attempting a craft with two t5 mods, it would retain the required 293 progress needed to complete for the next attempt, and would keep going up the more attempts that were made. A simple fix is to just close and reopen the window.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Evasion mods do not work No change in combat log, no change on character sheet when they are equipped.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Lightning uses Physical Defense rather than Force Defense for the defender's bonus.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report ~~When releveling with 17 Vitality, it spent me back to 9 Vitality, but with permanently 1 less HP. Instead of 70, It left me with 69. Nice.~~

After going 9 to 12 Vit, it displayed 110 HP so it might have just been a visual bug.

Confirmed, it's just a visual bug on the bottom right bars On character sheet it displays correctly

Zun note: Not a bug. Less VIT will result in lower HP. Working as intended.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Saber Strike, an ability which applies its effect on the next auto attack, is not "Target Self" but "Target Other."

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report You can prepare an attack, rest to recover the resource you just spent, and then if you're fast enough the attack is still prepared for you to use. Allowing you to "load" a free action.

Zun note: Cancel queued abilities upon rest.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report In the Bible, Force Stun III is advertised as 8 FP. In game, it's advertised as 14 FP and costs as much to cast it.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Using "friendly" abilities like "Benevolence" still causes friendly characters to try and kill you.

Zun note: Enmity bug where two players would wind up on each others' enmity tables.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report There's a problem with Doublehand and/or Strong Style. With Weapon DMG 26 plus 10 (from Strong Style), 24 might plus 0.5x might to damage, against an equal level opponent with 20 vitality and no armor The damage range should have been 68 to 85 DMG. Somehow, one of the damage rolls in testing was a 56. 12 Lower than the minimum damage. Furthermore, Doulehand doesn't launch the "Applying doublehand bonus" message.

Zun note: There is no message displayed.

Zun note: Has to do with the ratio capping at a specific value. Updated spreadsheet to indicate this.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I spawned 2 lightsabers I upgraded them both Used one on the other It provides a Saberstaff with 44 base DMG

Zun note: This was actually 34 DMG, not 44. But it's fixed regardless.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tried applying a recast mod on argos bracers and it wouldn't apply despite the crafting success While trying to make an argos necklace, it crafted successfully, and both the modded necklace and an unmodded duplicate appeared in my inventory.

Kaz (Teth Neheri) — Today at 11:38 AM I did this by spam-clicking Basic Synthesis which completed the craft But since I was spamming it an unmodded version of the item duplicated I replicated it with a ring instead of a necklace

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The Evasion increase from Burst of Speed stacks with itself.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Trying to customize an Electroblade returned the message "No item is equipped or the equipped item cannot be modified."

Bug Report Rifles are not able to be modified presently in thea ppearance section. Or at least, the Ophidian Rifle (T5) cannot. Looking at the code, it's possibly because only one "top" part is allowed. The ophidian rifle comes default with a scope, which is the top part. I suspect it would be made to work if all top and bottom parts to rifles were set to 101, assuming we don't want to add customization of stocks, scopes and grips to the menu (potentially more work than it's worth even if I'd like to see it).

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Lvl 50 + 26 AGI = 128 ACC (Sandswimmer) Lvl 39 + 21 AGI = 102 Evasion. Hit Chance: 88% When using Saber Strike and/or Force Spark, the hit chance should increase to 93% if Saber Strike, 91% if Spark, or 95% if both. In the combat log, there is no increase to hit chance. Not sure if it's active but not displayed, or just inactive.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Burst IV hits twice when cast on an enemy creature. Tried on a Hssiss and a Tusken Raider, same result.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Certain bound items that are no longer useful cannot be dropped, sold, or otherwise transferred. This appears to include the starter Survival Knife, XP tomes, and at least one quest related consumable reward Stupendous Slug Shake.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Stacking of gems appears inconsistent. Agates will stack but Jade will not.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sith Eradicator helmet is missing entirely from revamp (both hooded and hoodless versions)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The Martial Arts 'Chi' ability goes to the hotbar on purchase, but does not appear in the Special Abilities radial menu when trying to select it for hotbarring or otherwise using it via the radial.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report New NPC's I added do not have responsive AI's. I don't know how you hooked up the other NPC's to work correctly, but if it's not an arduous process to hook those scripts up to these new NPC's I can try to get them sorted.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The /emotestyle command doesn't function to shift my typing style around

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The /rez command only works on yourself

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Male Cathar head IDs are not masked off

Steps to Reproduce: 1) Log in with a Male Half-Orc character 2) Open the Character menu 3) Select Appearance > Appearance > Head 4) Scroll down the Heads menu 5) Notice that all 255 Head IDs are selectable by the player.

Expected Behavior: Players should only see IDs that actually have models tied to them that are valid for their gender/pheno.

Zun note: Some of these are a little weird I'll admit but I'm fine with leaving them in the menu. More options for players seems like a good thing to me.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Potential bug. NPC's don't seem to do well with continuing to attack after recovering from crowd control. Further testing will be needed to verify cause.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Auto-crafting a basic knife ended up with myself getting stuck on the crafting interface.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Saberstaffs / Legacy Training Foil Staff's dont have an icon in the bank interface.

Bug Report Tested some more items in the bank to see if it was an issue with the large (1x8? 1x7? I cant count) items, but Twin Blade and Greatsword both showed up fine.

No Icon for Basic Rifle though.

Bug Report Power cores show up as a red X in the bank interface as opposed to their own icon or a missing icon.

Sorry I'm kind of spamming these about the bank interface. Long story short it's probably worth looking into why these items are missing icons in this menu in particular? They appear fine in inventory/vendors etc.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report While AI works fine to reacquire targets after recovering from most crowd control (yay!), there is still an issue where after recovering from Force Stun and Mind Trick enemies will not attack any targets until something happens to generate enmity with them again.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Saber Strike and Force Spark appear to be bugged still. They don't apply a debuf to evasion, or it doesn't display correctly.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report DM's cannot hear speech when possessing NPC's, over any channel (holonet, talk, dm, etc.)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Feedback Suggestion: Make animal parts used for agriculture recipes stackable. Things like Mynock Meat/Wings for example drop frequently and clutter inventory compared to other crafting resources.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Flurry of blows cannot be activated with Katars equipped.

Bug Report Flurry of Blows cannot be equipped with a staff equipped.

Zun note: Flurry of Blows doesn't work with custom weapons despite the documentation. Replaced the ability with Furor.