zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Revamp - Bugs #6 #1402

Closed zunath closed 2 years ago

zunath commented 2 years ago

Tracking bugs found in revamp testing. New thread created as the old one was getting cluttered.

Bug ticket 1: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1130 Bug ticket 2: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1359 Bug ticket 3: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1380 Bug ticket 4: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1387 Bug ticket 5: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1396

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Feedback/Oversight?

There's no accuracy enhancements for weapons, but there are attack enhancements. To counter evasion builds enhancements with high accuracy bonuses (like +2 per tier, so up to +20 on a weapon with 2 T5) would not be a bad idea.

Logged here: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1411

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Womprats have a DC 16 Will save or slow.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Loading into guild hall sometimes breaks and character gets stuck in the door. Transition may need to be moved.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report the perk one handed to apply bonus damage when only using 1 1 handed sword seems to not be working

Zun note: Doublehand

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Poacher Great Sword that drops from Mon Cala Eco Terrorists is pitched at Proficiency 2 as opposed to 3 which all the other Poacher weapons are. It's power level does appear to be correct however, appears slightly better than the regular Delta Great Sword, but is far, far better than the Proficiency 2 Titan Great Sword.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report There are 2 transitions layered on top of eachother and one does not work heading from Veles into the Pho Family restaurant

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report When buying an apartment it says apartment already owned, i assume you cant own a city and apartment?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Plagionite is saying it needs t2 harvester when it actually needs t3

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Crafting Stations missing from Recipes list besides the Engineering and Fabrication Terminals

Bug Report In fabrication only fabrication terminals and engineering terminals can be crafted. Missing : Cooking, Refinery, Smithery, and Agriculture

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report While possessing an Jedi Temple Guard NPC I was unable to hear a Wookie player at all. I assume it's because the NPC doesn't know Shyriiwook, but I wasn't even able to hear the untranslated growling.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The Vellen Flesheaters in the Swamp drop the Coxxion Base map instead of the Swamp map.

The Western Swamplands or whatever it's called does seem to drop the correct map however.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Swamp Vines have you make a DC16 Fort Save against their Blindness

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The stealth field generator ability's invisibility does not actually seem to hide or conceal the character from enemies. Enemies were still able to detect and shoot the stealthed PC despite not being anywhere close to them.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Twin Electroblade II deals no damage when Rage power is used. Re-equipping does not fix this.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I crashed while piloting and now the Ship's Computer turns me into the ship inside of my ship instead of sending me to the orbits.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Exception type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Message : Conversation 'Jukebox' is not registered. Did you create a class for it? Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.GetConversation(String key) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 61 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.LoadConversation(UInt32 player, UInt32 talkTo, String class, Int32 dialogNumber) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 583 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.StartConversation(UInt32 player, UInt32 talkTo, String class) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 519 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.PlaceableScripts.GenericConversation() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\PlaceableScripts.cs:line 103 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-04 17:19:35.651 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'mod_p_target' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Message : The given key 'p_crystal_red_qs' was not present in the dictionary. Stacktrace: at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Space.GetShipModuleDetailByItemTag(String itemTag) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Space.cs:line 266 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.ShipManagementViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass246_0.b__0(UInt32 item) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\ShipManagementViewModel.cs:line 1225 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Targeting.RunTargetedItemAction() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Targeting.cs:line 49 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-04 17:21:01.962 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'mod_nui_event' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: System.NullReferenceException Message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.PropertyPermissionsViewModel.b__75_0() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\PropertyPermissionsViewModel.cs:line 423 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.HandleNuiEvents() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 231 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Hey! I'm trying to use Slam I against Sith Apprentice Ghosts and I get a message saying that the ability can only be used against enemies.

Bug Report Slam for staffs seems to have the same issue I mentioned before with Poison Fang for katars.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report There are a lot of invisible walls in the Sith Crypt that keep you from being able to walk around the area properly. Also, a lot of crates spawn almost outside of limit so you can't scavenge through them.

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-05 00:12:07.394 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'dm_limbo_bef' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: System.FormatException Message : Input string was not in a correct format. Stacktrace: at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type) at System.Convert.ToUInt32(String value) at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Enmity.CreatureLimbo() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Enmity.cs:line 84 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Mandoa is at 875'2200 and yet I just put like 8750 RPxp into it, and it didn't move at all. Possibly due to being at 350 with everything locked?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Asteroids seemingly aren't respawning after being mined.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Issue : Quest not accepting.

Location : Hutlar.

NPC : Guylan Verruchi.

Summary : The quest given by Guylan regarding the power structures that have to be checked isn't accepting properly upon completion of the dialogue. Quest log doesn't update, system messages don't verify it's been accepted and the aforementioned power structures aren't interactable.

Bug Report Hutlar power conduit quest doesn't activate when you talk to the quest-giver. The conversation happens as normal, but the journal doesn't update and the conduits can't be interacted with.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I'm unsure if this is a bug but 2 enchancements failed to apply on a Falchion ship. The first one was Explosive Damage III, the second Capacitor III. The ship itself was succesfuly made though. Skill rank is 50 and I've all the feats except the Engi Equipment.

Zun note: Make sure this isn't an item property missing from the 2das. Possible the player failed the roll too.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Katar ability when trying to use it says "you may only use this ability on enemies" however it is supposed to apply to the next attack

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Adhesive Grenade does not wear off on other PCs without them logging out.

Bug Report It appears as if the skill Adheisive grenade at least at the highest level, does not work. Every enemy i have used it on, it hasn't done anything.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Quick Draw and Double Shot both say they are instant abilities, but they have a casting timer like most other abilities. This is misleading, and makes the abilities practically pointless as just shooting results in practically the same effect.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Treatment Kit 1 does not seem to consume Medical Supplies on use. (Also does not give XP, though unsure if that's a bug)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sand Demons have Will DC 16 save or paralyze.

Bug Report Sand Beetles still have a base-game DC 16 Blind on-hit

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Hunters Greatsword V has an unmodifiable appearance.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report No refineries with all the crafting things on Korriban?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The 2nd level of vegetable patch doesn't seem to be spawning. I also would suggest that the swamp vines would share the same loot table or any loot table since they don't seem to have one?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Drain also drains FP on the tick after the enemy has died, and it attempts to fire again.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The avenging the captain quest on Veles does not give a reward if you choose the 'continue' option instead of one of the weapons

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Both permission windows (access and storage) are entirely bugged out, and are just blank, black screens when trying to open them. They worked earlier today, attaching a screenshot.



zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Power attack doesnt seem to do anything. When attacking an enemy the accuracy was the same as when I had the setting off. So, I assume the damage might also be the same

Bug Report Power Attack does not update DMG increase on the character sheet, and does not update hit chance on the combat log. Either it just doesn't display or doesn't work.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Using offensive abilities like double-shot and rocket do not break the stealth of the stealh field generator ability.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The quest 'Stuff Keeps Breaking!' demands 1 flawed leather, 1 flawed electronics and 1 agate. When I delivered the quest it said 'it requires 0 agate' and then ate all three items without giving mission completion.

zunath commented 2 years ago

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.ShipModuleDefinition.MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.PerformAttack(UInt32 activator, UInt32 target, Int32 dmg, Int32 attackBonus, Nullable`1 hitOverride) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\ShipModuleDefinition\MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.cs:line 41 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.ShipModuleDefinition.MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.<>c__DisplayClass3_1.b__2() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\ShipModuleDefinition\MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.cs:line 108 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.CoreGameManager.SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.ICoreEventHandler.OnClosure(UInt64 eid, UInt32 oidSelf) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\CoreGameManager.cs:line 75

zunath commented 2 years ago

Seeing strange results in the market log.

Beris Fearrian [4ff56623-a4a0-41a1-a8d4-294f4ee43b1d] bought 0x from Milo Corr for 200 credits.

Investigate how this could happen. There should be a quantity and item name.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Enemies are spawning outside walkable terrain, inside walls/buildings. Seen personally on Viscara and Korriban.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report DMs can't set languges while possessing NPCs. When trying they get the message "DM characters cannot use this chat command"

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report There is a large disparity between the quality of some T5 enhancements and simple animal part drops.



the progress penalty/stat value should not be this out of balance between T5 physical defense and beetle chitin

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Kolto Recovery III is not healing allies that are nearby

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report It also appears that even with the proper dual wield feats, your maluses are -30%/-30% not -20%/-20%

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report "Starchart data disks" are skill being sold by Roy Moss on Viscara. For four planetary systems.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report It seems that Kolto grenades stack when used in succession on the player. I do not know if this is intentional or not but i thought i'd report it anyway.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I don't think 'pastry flour' crafting material is actually in the module loot tables as nothing of appropriate level has dropped it at any point.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Really minor thing - Starship Wreck in Korriban Orbit has it's description state that it is near Viscara.
