zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Revamp - Bugs #7 #1421

Closed zunath closed 2 years ago

zunath commented 2 years ago

Tracking bugs found in revamp testing. New thread created as the old one was getting cluttered.

Bug ticket 1: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1130 Bug ticket 2: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1359 Bug ticket 3: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1380 Bug ticket 4: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1387 Bug ticket 5: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1396 Bug ticker 6: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1402

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sometimes when logging in after logging out after leaving a ship, I find myself in the ship when I log back in. Latest occurrence happened after being killed in Tattooine orbit, logged out. After I logged back in after a time, I was back on the same ship that was shot down on Tattooine.

Zun note: Likely related to the emergency exit bug.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report If a ship with shield boosters is shot down, then after a respawn, it loses the shield booster modules, but it still has the extra shields. This can be repeated for infinite SP on a ship.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Killing pirate ships at max range via missile strike seems to yield no experience.

Zun note: Get closer to the NPC to gain XP. There is a range limit.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Stackable Items:

Bug Report Food Ingredient: 'Viscaran Pebble' does not Stack

Bug Report Cooking Ingredient, 'Creamy Butter' doesn't stack.

Bug Report Plant-Based Butter does not stack.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Suggestion 2: A merchant in the Veles guildhall who sells power cores would be greatly appreciated.

Bug Report Suggestion: Let us buy stacks of ten or single power cores at general stores, the short duration of the core combined with how many you need is a pain in the ass to buy them one at a time.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report DM: We need /setscale again to adjust item sizes

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tranq Shot works improperly. Seems to hit back on the caster instead of affecting the target

Zun note: Stay out of range and you won't be hit by it.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Ship Deeds in the market terminals aren't showing the starships tier required on the examine.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Dropped I Tattooine Desert Saga on Huttlar.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Feedback: Daryn Beto should sell polearms.

Zun note: He already does.

zunath commented 2 years ago

BUG: VEGETABLE_PATCH_4 does not seem to be spawning in the locations it is set to spawn at, E.g. tatoiine, only the tatoiine herbs. Farmed for ~2 hours and found 0 vegetable patches.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tier 4 one-handed vibroblade cannot have its appearance changed.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Character sits in "Chair, Chancellor" sideways.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Athena: Tried Subdual Mode on Sandra and It did not leave the player with 1HP, or dizzy..

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report When using the Blue Terminal in the Coxxion Base on Viscara, the termainl will say all BLUE doors are unlocked, but none of the BLUE doors unlock thus making the quest impossible to complete.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Milo Corr (The Hawk That Lives As A Sparrow) [Q6UGT4XU] Bug Report For some reason my newly registered ships are duplicationg their defensive modules. Particularly Thermal Amplifier 3 in the first and third slot and a basic hull booster in the second. I have no idea why this is happening and it has done it for multiple ships.

My ship names are: Transport Royale (when i first noticed it), Coterie (what I put the mods on originally I think), Cutter, and Dave.

Besides Coterie all of them have extra defensive modules.

Area Name Viscara - Veles Colony - Interior Area Tag velesinterior Area Resref velesinterior Position (149.1297, 137.21855, 149.1297) Date Reported 2022-07-14 03:53:00 Player ID 6c98ed62-7f33-4156-a35f-5dff953620df

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report A Pirate Ferron tried to ambush my ship. It could deal no damage to me, and when I flew close to it, it blew itself up.

Zun note: Make it so missile launchers cannot hurt their users when an NPC uses them.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Space combat: Still being hit by missiles despite 0% chance after the target is dead.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Mining Idailia Ore (t3 ore?) at piloting 24 does not give any XP.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Hutlar Acorn item is not stackable.

Bug Report Can we please make teeth stackable? Having already found 4 different types, it would be nice to be able to seperate the types into simple stacks to keep inv cleaner, Especially with so many quests for them. thanks!

Bug Report Mynock wings and teeth do not stack

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Push doesn't work when I use it at the same time as all my other powers.

Zun note: Couldn't reproduce. Other effects could have been overwriting Force Push or maybe they failed the check.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I moved out of range of a Pirate Ferron and it started attacking itself and eventually killed itself. I suspect as it had no other target in range.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Improved Multiplier for two handed General might be worth looking into hard to say for sure but my criticals don't seem any bigger at all

zunath commented 2 years ago

Player attacked a DM and caused a server crash. No exception was logged.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Athena: Difficult to make NPCS move when placing. Rarely respond to movement commands

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sometimes, Saberstaff's Circleslash ability hits the same enemy 3 times. Seems random, unable to replicate conditions reliably, but I am repeating it more than once.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report After completing the quest "The Mandalorian Leader" I chose to claim the Captain Rifle as my reward. What I immediately noticed is the stats for it are actually worse than both the Titan Rifle and the Mandalorian Rifle which drops from within the facility you do the quest in. These weapon rewards need another look over because it's absolutely pointless to make them worse than vendor gear.




zunath commented 2 years ago

Galaar Ara'novor (halfa) [Q6UGPETM] Bug Report Creatures on Tattooine don't seem to be giving XP when using First Aid to heal. I still get XP on Hutlar. So, assume that Tattoine should as well. Area Name Tatooine - Anchorhead - South District Area Tag anchor_qs Area Resref tat_anc_southdis Position (129.25832, 148.76968, 129.25832) Date Reported 2022-07-17 03:07:32 Player ID 630ae463-91ea-45f9-b6d2-cc4b12da81c2

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Unable to modify the appearance of a T4 Crafted Finesse Vibroblade Proto Knife. Seems like a bug, Maybe cos it uses the Tusken Raider knife model which isn't normally modable?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report It seems if one player has subdual on, they can only be subdued. If a player attacks them and kills them with subdual off, they will be subdued.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Old Harvester still requires perk to use, after the 16ths update that should have removed the requirement. Adding to this, its not the old Harvester thats the problem, the problem is the ore does not realize the Old Harvester as a T1 or higher harvester so refuses to acknowledge it.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Burst works on friendly targets

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tatooine southern pass, there are spawns in an area that is inaccessable. Ill add a screenshot on discord.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The 6 rooms at the front of the Consular-class have bugged entryways, causing you to clip up and down into the sky several times.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Infinate defense stat.

With rifles and shield, if you take your shield. Equip it. Now drag a rifle ontop of the slot to equip the rifle. This will unequip the shield, and equip the rifle. However, it will not take the shields stats away. You get free defense.

You can repeat this forever and become infinately tanky. Not a good bug to have but rarely encountered.

Please fix, thank you!

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Karrav Maubar in Tatooine MOA doesn't actually open a shop window after saying you want to shop.

ranger-x-dev commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The 6 rooms at the front of the Consular-class have bugged entryways, causing you to clip up and down into the sky several times.

I have a fix for these walkmeshes coming in my next PR.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Bug with attacks per round. I have Blaster Rifle Mastery 2, so I have three attacks per round with blaster rifles. However, I also have three attacks a round with martial arts weapons (only tested on staff). I don't have three attacks per round with finesse vibroblades. Area Name Tatooine - North Mine Cliffs Area Tag anchor_entr_mine Area Resref tat_anc_nminecli Position (49.88372, 81.63277, 49.88372) Date Reported 2022-07-19 05:37:53 Player ID 973b029a-b2d1-4fff-be50-a1e2b9f9f446

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tuk'ata Fur is marked plot?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Valor's and Battle Insight's buffs arn't appearing on buff bar when used? I use the skills and it goes on CD, but the icon for the buff of DR dosn't come up in the buff bar for Force Valor,, so, I'm not sure if I'm reciving the buff and theres no icon notification, or, if the buff isn't being applied. As far as Battle Insight, I receive the negitive effects, but, when I examine nearby party members they do not appear to be getting the +to evasion or attack, I think?

Bug Report Force Valor does not add a buff icon next to your profile.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Description error: Burst of Speed's description says it increases Evasion by 4, but it brought mine from 80 to 90. Should be increase by 10 in description.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report the ability Poison Stab requires targetting something (you, the enemy, a friendly) in order to queue it up, even though no other attack I have (crippling shot, knockdown) require this

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sith Lake Base is the old version. There's still corpses mounted in the prison, the training area in the back is non-existant anymore.

Zun note: Being handled by Announcer.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Vandal (DOOM) [UP7WJK9D] Bug Report While hunting mobs appropriate for my level (Tuskan Elites and Sand Demons currently) I am not receiving Ranged exp at all (it's 41 currently so it should be getting leveled from those still). I am only sometimes receiving Armor and First Aid exp where I should be otherwise always getting it, seemingly at random. The only skill that I seem able to level normally is Devices. Something really funky is happening with my exp gains. Transitioning, relogging and restarting the game all did not help. Area Name Tatooine - Tusken Raider Cave - Main Floor Area Tag TatooineDungeonMainFloor Area Resref tat_tuskcavemain Position (18.140114, 16.92292, 18.140114) Date Reported 2022-07-20 08:22:57 Player ID f37f571d-5fb9-4685-b2bf-b1ff62ac17f9

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report High quality fiberplast is worth 0gp. I mean, who would sell that to a shop, but still.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Was in space and fighting one of the npc pirates, and it killed me. But instead of being killed, I was subdued and was able to get up and walk around in space.

Zun note: Skip subdual mode if in space.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report There seems to be a discrepancy between various drops in the Mandalorian Outpost in Viscarra, Most Mandalorian weapons only do +1 damage from the base Titan weapons but the Heavy Vibroblade is sitting at 23 damage while the spear is at 17. The Mandalorian staff that drops is also tier 1 and at 3 physical damage which is lower than the Basic Staff.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Tatooine - Desert Road doesn't have a transition on the east half of the map

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Placing a shield/hull booster on your ship repairs it for free, as slotting them gives you bonus HP, but removing them does not remove the HP gained.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report So, I was crafting supreme gloves, had 10 high quality leather. Attempted crafting the first time, failed, attempted it the second time, succeeded. Ended up with 1 high quality leather. Are the supreme gloves using more leather than it says it should? The recipe says 2x high quality leather.

Zun note: Couldn't reproduce.