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Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Space Update #1819

Closed Valo56 closed 4 months ago

Valo56 commented 8 months ago

For now all I've done is added chat commands for DM's to see ship stats and repair targeted ships.

More to come in time.

Valo56 commented 5 months ago

Mostly full list of changes: Global Cooldown: There is a 2 second wait time for both PC's and NPC's between module activations.

T1 merchant-bought ship appearances changed from foray/aurek to other small ships.

New Ships: -Aurek Strikefighter -Sith Fighter -Basilisk War Droid These require a recipe that will be available from DM's.

Cutlass Fighter Think of it as an unaligned military fighter.

Corvettes: Thranta (Neutral, Sith, Republic color schemes) Corellian Gunboat (kind of looks like the firefly) Chiss Trireme Terminus Class Corsair (uses the Kusari Gunship appearance) Hutt Corvette CZC Armored Transport (big beefy boy)

Different corvette skins are purely cosmetic, there is no stat difference between them. Each corvette has 3 high slots and 4 low slots. 750 armor and 750 shield. 350 capacitor and a 30 second shield recharge rate. This may not seem like much, but capital ships use (and can only use) special capital ship modules that have very powerful effects.

Ship Configuration Slots: Each ship has one ship config slot. These provide a variety of base stats to a ship, intended to bring attack and defense values more in line with values you'd see in ground combat, and lengthening the time of each engagement so it's not a game of one or two hit kills. -Fighter: All around good, but isn't great anywhere. -Bomber: High attack. Good defenses and health pools. Low explosive defense, but high damage. -Interceptor: High evasion. Poor defenses and health pools. High explosive defense, average defenses elsewhere. -Industrial: Offers very l ow defenses, and no offensive/evasive bonuses. Very high health pools. Adds to a ship's industrial level, improving the strength of repair modules and the yield of mining lasers.

New Subcapital Modules Beam Cannon: Subcapital. Attack 4 times in quick succession. Repeated hits can ramp up your damage on subsequent hits. Proton Bomb Launcher: Short range, requires a Proton Bomb (craftable). Can only target capital ships. Bypasses shields, and does even more damage if the target doesn't have shields. -Hypermatter Injector: Uses Hypermatter Capsule consumables to quickly restore capacitor.

Subcapital Adjustments Combat Laser: No capacitor cost. Average damage. Ion Cannon: High damage, but only 50% damage output vs armor. On doing armor damage, inflicts penalties to move speed and agility. Missile Launcher: No capacitor cost. Above average damage. Slowish cooldown but not as slow as before. Requires missile item to fire. Does bonus damage on unshielded targets.

New NPC Pirate Clans, each with a boss NPC and 6 different ship types beyond that - Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber, Cargo Ship, Gunship, Defense Platforms: T1: Septra Khanate T2: Krakenborne T3: Snowdrift Syndicate T4: Clan Zel Arun T5 Red Hand (T5 Boss drops capship recipes 66% of the time) T6: Sith Empire (7 different tiers of boss NPC's, from corvettes to the Harrower itself) (all T6 bosses drop recipes)

Module bonuses for weapons have a more significant impact on weapon performance. It doesn't just affect Attack rating but contributes to DMG as well.

PC ships of most tiers have had their number of slots and overall HP/SP buffed.

Capital Ship Modules: -Advanced Thruster: Low slot. Reduces capacitor in exchange for significant evasion buff. -Redundant Shield Generator: Greatly improved max SHP, but slower shield recharge. -Reinforced Plating: Significant bonus to ship defense scores, but reduced evasion. -Dedicated Targeting Sensor Array: Significant bonus to accuracy and attack, at the cost of similar penalty to evasion. -Ship Config: Only three types. Industrial Nexus, Skirmisher (good shields and regen), Warship (high defense, attack, accuracy)

Cont. Assault Concussion Missile Launcher: Requires very expensive missiles to fire. Bypasses shields, and does huge damage. But can only target capships. Bulwark Shield Generator: Generate massive aggro. Restore shields for self and allies. Raise defenses of allies. Laser Cannon Battery: Fire once every 2 seconds for 18 seconds at 50% of all nearby hostile targets. Quad Laser Cannon: Fire 4-6 times in quick succession, based on tier of Quad Laser. Good at engaging subcapital ships. Repair Field Generator: Regenerate hull HP for self and allies over a period of time. Storm Cannon: A beam of high energy particles strips away a target's shields, doing massive shield damage. It imposes significant penalties on damaging armor, moreso than an Ion Cannon, but deals even less hull damage. Turbolasers: Three tiers. Each has a 50% miss chance vs subcapital ships. Heavy Turbolaser: High damage. Single shot. Dual Turbolaser: Two shots over two seconds. Slightly less damage per shot but more overall. Quad Turbolaser: Four shots over fours econds. High cap cost. Very high overall damage output. New DM Commands: /shipstats and /repairship Displays stats for ships. Repairs ships. Self explanatory. As DM's have no way of doing either right now this should help us run events.

New interiors: Corvettes and the new fighters each use new interior areas. Fighters are very small areas with little room to move around. Basilisks give you a miniature hangar bay. Corvettes are massive areas repurposed from the capship event area many of you are familiar with.

NPC AI: NPC ships will use the new modules. Their default distance to remain apart from each other in space is now 15 meters instead of 5.