zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Fab edits only #1841

Open NZNightwolf opened 3 months ago

NZNightwolf commented 3 months ago

Fabrication Additions New Structures, New Recipes, New unlockable Recipes Fabrication Guild updated

NZNightwolf commented 3 months ago

I'm happy to provide a list of all changes, as I know what every change/update in this is :)

Hoping to get this included in the next update, with the space stuff!

NZNightwolf commented 2 months ago

As Requested:

Toolset/Module Additions: Generic Additions: 35 new Standard fabrication recipes. 25 new Fabrication guild recipes - Unlocked via guild tiers. 16 new Quest fabrication recipes. Small area added to Veles Sewers for Quest giver. NPC's added to Mon Cala Interior, CZ220 Hangar, Veles Sewers, Hutlar Outpost and Viscara Shop Interiors - Quest givers Jedi Temple interior edited - At request of knights for IC/IG meetings

Items: 11 new Schematics/Patterns - Fabrication Recipes used to unlock recipes via quests/guild levels 1 new outfit - Nurse outfit for quest giver 77 placeable items - 76 from new fabrication recipes, 1 adds the single width panels wall (Which was missing)

Conversations: 6 new conversations for quest givers

Creatures: 4 new creatures - Quest givers 2 creature edits - Byysk guardians variables edited to give Quest Grouping ID.

Shops: 9 shops edited - Fabrication guild shop: New recipe unlocks added, and weight reduction bags. Agriculture guild shop: Weight reduction bags

Placeables: 3 new placeables - Edits of original placeables to remove useability and inventory

Code: Quest Definition: 5 planets have new quests added - 1x in Hutlar, Tattooine, CZ220, Moncala, 2x in Viscara

Furniture Recipes: 77 new recipes added to list - 76 from new content, 1 from missing single width panels wall

Recipe Type: As above

NPC Group Types: Byysk guardians added to new Quest ID Type for Hutlar Quest.

Structure Type: Added all 77 new structures. Filled in gaps so list is complete to #329

taelon875 commented 1 month ago

Looks clear to me.

NZNightwolf commented 4 weeks ago

Hey Zunath,

Have done the conflicts you've requested, and it looks good on my end. Can you take a look when you get a second :)

NZNightwolf commented 2 weeks ago
