Bulwark and Repair Field now don't loop to provide extra healing, They also fixed Visual Timers.
All Capital Ship Modules lie in their own category in the Engineering Bench.
Targeting Array - No longer gives Attack Boost (see Weapons Computer) instead of evasion decrease it is now damage.
Advanced Thrusters - No Value Changes here, just a description edit.
Reinforced Plating - No longer gives evasion decrease, but does decrease shields instead.
Quad Lasers: Adjusted oversized Fire Range and increase capacitor costs.
Turbolasers: Increased Damage from Module Bonus.
Laser Cannon Battery: Adjusted Range and Damage. (Slight increase on Lower-End Boss Damages.)
Beam Cannon/Laser Cannon: Adjusted Ranges and Cap Costs.
Bulwark/Repair Field - Both now heal larger amounts to cover for single use fire mechanics opposed to original design.
Missile Weapons - Adjusted the "minimum shield value" to 10.
Capital Ship Configuration Changes -
Scaling for Hull/Shields Increased Overall.
Warship - No Longer gains Attack Bonus. Slight increase in Armor values and health boost. But Gains Accuracy Increase. Logistics - Small Shield Increase and Armor Increase. Skirmisher - Lost Accuracy Increase, Gained Attack Increase and larger shield Pool.
Weapons Computer - Increased Damage for Lower Accuracy Power Diverter - Lower Cap for Faster shield recharge E-War Module - Generates Enmity
Fixes: Bulwark and Repair Field now don't loop to provide extra healing, They also fixed Visual Timers.
Changed: All Capital Ship Modules lie in their own category in the Engineering Bench.
Targeting Array - No longer gives Attack Boost (see Weapons Computer) instead of evasion decrease it is now damage.
Advanced Thrusters - No Value Changes here, just a description edit.
Reinforced Plating - No longer gives evasion decrease, but does decrease shields instead.
Quad Lasers: Adjusted oversized Fire Range and increase capacitor costs.
Turbolasers: Increased Damage from Module Bonus.
Laser Cannon Battery: Adjusted Range and Damage. (Slight increase on Lower-End Boss Damages.)
Beam Cannon/Laser Cannon: Adjusted Ranges and Cap Costs.
Bulwark/Repair Field - Both now heal larger amounts to cover for single use fire mechanics opposed to original design.
Missile Weapons - Adjusted the "minimum shield value" to 10.
Capital Ship Configuration Changes - Scaling for Hull/Shields Increased Overall. Warship - No Longer gains Attack Bonus. Slight increase in Armor values and health boost. But Gains Accuracy Increase. Logistics - Small Shield Increase and Armor Increase. Skirmisher - Lost Accuracy Increase, Gained Attack Increase and larger shield Pool.
Added: Weapons Computer - Increased Damage for Lower Accuracy Power Diverter - Lower Cap for Faster shield recharge E-War Module - Generates Enmity