zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Resource nodes spawn in inaccessable locations again in Wildlands and unselectable tree spawns #395

Closed KendaricSwlor closed 6 years ago

KendaricSwlor commented 6 years ago

The Wildlands area has resources spawn in inaccessable locations (beach/water) again. Also a lot of the tree spawns can't be harvested, they are simply unselectable. Fiberplast is still pretty rare, which I assume has to do with the unselectable trees.

zunath commented 6 years ago

Tracking the spawn in inaccessible issue in this ticket: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/230

I fixed the spawns in the Wildwoods, so Fiberplast should (finally) be more readily available.