zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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GAME TEST: Bugs #909

Closed taelon875 closed 5 years ago

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Light Foils do not seem to be finessable.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Shield proficiency not showing up in perks list.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Armor immunity need to be scaling from level, so players unable to just use highest tier of armor and reap benefits.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

AB needs to stack when item is made/when item gets AB sockets added

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Mon Cal Amphi-Hydrus no longer use dark force powers.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Components/Enhancements needs to be reviewed to cut out any unused/old properties.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

NA Conversation issue with Next Bonus showing N/A before it

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Absorb divides by 0 when you die with it active. Either that or Heal divides by 0 when you are at full health.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Absorb Energy is listed under Sense not control in the chat menu.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Heal is sharing a cooldown when it shouldn't have one.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Comprehend Speech doesn't give any xp?

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Push Cooldown is 10 mins opposed to 10 secs

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force heal is under Control but it says it requires altar 15 to hit second rank.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Comprehend speech icon doesn't show correctly.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Battle Meditation doesn't give ab/ac

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Battle meditation perks are not given properly it has given me the third and second ability when i should only have first and second.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Edit Force heal costs to reflect spreadsheet changes.

givemedeath commented 5 years ago

Drain Life IV is unable to target creatures (spells.2da issue)

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force heal can be activated and the the caster can leave the area/change zones and the skill still applies. it also still gives xp.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Meditate can be used while concentration skills are being used.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Quality of Life: Have a command that cancels concentration ability activated, or have something reminding the user what ability is up.

givemedeath commented 5 years ago

Confusion not working (all tiers?)

Stun not working (all tiers?)

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Speed V is not adding DEX correctly and is not removing epic dodge on expire.

givemedeath commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is intended or not but force powers interrupt actions and cause flatfooted.

givemedeath commented 5 years ago


I believe this is why some force powers aren't working. In many cases ConcentrationTickInterval = 0. They exhibit the following error in the server console:

EVENT ERROR (C#) MessageHub: 0c60ad04-1e3a-4b93-8ac7-91532bee3c12 ** EXCEPTION:

Exception type: System.DivideByZeroException Message : Attempted to divide by zero. Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.AbilityService.ProcessConcentrationEffects () [0x000a4] in :0 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.AbilityService+<>c.b__5_3 (SWLOR.Game.Server.Event.SWLOR.OnObjectProcessorRan message) [0x00000] in :0 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Messaging.Subscription.Handle[T] (T message) [0x00017] in :0 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Messaging.MessageHub.Publish[T] (T message) [0x0006b] in :0

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Rage Drains Hp per tick not round.

zunath commented 5 years ago

Specialization restrictions / DM approval need to be added to the force abilities as needed.

zunath commented 5 years ago

Grant +1 AC for every 20 skill ranks in armor, when that armor type is equipped.

zunath commented 5 years ago

Outstanding issues that still need to be addressed:

Mon Cal Amphi-Hydrus no longer use dark force powers. Components/Enhancements needs to be reviewed to cut out any unused/old properties.

"Not sure if this is intended or not but force powers interrupt actions and cause flatfooted.

_if you are in combat and use a force power, it will play brief cast animation and then cancel all actions leaving you flatfooted_

_if running using the keyboard it pauses briefly but otherwise ok. if running by clicking then using it mid run then it works as above_

" Specialization restrictions / DM approval need to be added to the force abilities as needed.

Everything else has been looked at and needs to be retested. I believe a majority of them were due to mismatched IDs in the 2das. Will update test again and then I need you guys to run through and check these out again. Will work on the outstanding issues in the meantime.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Stun 3 Crashes Server on use.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Stun Series isn't costing FP.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Throw saber works with ranged weapons, maybe it should be restricted to melee only if we want to allow other weapons.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Throw saber also works unarmed.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Cooldown Reduction Runes say they add cast time, and they also do not reduce cooldowns.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

powergloves.zip Late Addition to the Melee Balancing because I am forgetful.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Players with over 120 force skill will have additional left over for redistribution when they are putting points in and is unable to spend the points because of the 40 Max distribute cap.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Rename Battle Meditation to Battle Insight to avoid QQ

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Force Issues: Mind Shield Cooldown is 10 Minutes should be 5 Confusion Cooldown is wrong. Confusion Still doesn't work. Cooldowns for Lightning, and Drain life are wrong, they shouldnt have one, currently 10 minutes.(Unable to test to confirm) Cooldown for Breach is wrong 10 minutes instead of 10 seconds. (Unable to Test to Confirm) Cooldown for Throw saber is wrong is 10 minutes should be 10 seconds.

Battle Insight: First level gives Battle Insight II Feat, it is applying the 5 AC/AB but the AC is stacking each time. Cooldown is 10 minutes, should be 30 minutes. It is applying AC/AB to the caster it should be taking it away. Battle Insight Causes Server Crash when used on ally's. (Think this may be because it's tickrate. May need to change it?)

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Guild masters are Hostile....

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

On Combat with battle Insight Server Crashes.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Nearby players get told of player deactivation of concentration ability.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Can use non-concentration abilities while other concentration abilities are up.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Armor scaling damage immunity forces bad Strref damage immunity

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Hitting Over 500 Skill Points Killed all Skill Points

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Changing item appearance with weapons eats the item.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Sneak Attack doesnt do more damage.

taelon875 commented 5 years ago

Cooldown reduction seems to grant 50% no matter the number.

KendaricSwlor commented 5 years ago

Mods can't be installed into "lightfoils" no matter what perk rank you have. Tested with Cooldown II mod, received the message "required rank 7, your rank 0" despite having 7 ranks in the Engineering mod perk.

KendaricSwlor commented 5 years ago

Armor mods are listed as red mods (like they are on live) but produce a yellow +AC mod (despite requiring red crystal clusters). Also, the installation message read "installed into prismatic slot".

Tested with Armor +3 (AC +1) mod on Force Armor III

zunath commented 5 years ago

Saber throw turns you to a male phenotype, so it breaks arm and head placement on females, if you change areas it fixes this for others but not yourself.

KendaricSwlor commented 5 years ago

Since Ugnaughts lack their hair color restriction here' a list of suitable colors:

16, 17, 18, 19, 62, 120, 128, 164, 166, 168