zuoxingdong / dm2gym

Convert DeepMind Control Suite to OpenAI gym environments.
MIT License
83 stars 8 forks source link

pyglet.gl.lib.GLException: b'invalid enumerant' #1

Closed aaronsnoswell closed 5 years ago

aaronsnoswell commented 5 years ago

Hi Xingdong, thanks for this great wrapper! This is exactly what I was looking for :)

I have discovered an OpenGL context bug in pyglet that will cause gym.envs.classic_control.rendering.SimpleImageViewer to crash every time under certain OpenGL driver configurations if dm_control is currently being used to render scenes (e.g. I'm using Windows 10 64bit, Python 3.6.6, Pyglet 1.4.0b1 with a GeForce MX150 and driver version 430.39). This makes the dm2gym wrapper unusable if doing human-mode rendering. This bug has been reported to the pyglet team here and here but there isn't any known fix yet.

I'm creating an issue here for the bug because I've developed a patch for dm2gym that adds an alternate rendering mode based on OpenCV that is performant and avoids this crashing bug. I'll send the PR shortly - hopefully we can work to get this merged into the repo :)
