Open my-reminiscence opened 7 months ago
Can you provide screenshots? The Vertical Navbar looks fine TBH.
Not working
What browser are you using?
Firefox 124.0.2
Firefox 124.0.2
Can you provide any gif or video for the demonstration of the error, sir?
Is it just on Firefox? How about on your other browsers (such Chrome, Opera, etc)?
Same with Safari and Chrome.
Same with Safari and Chrome.
I just tried in other browsers such as Brave or even Firefox on 124.0.2 version. And after all, it looks fine. There is no trouble in the vertical navbar like you mentioned earlier. Neither in production or local development.
You can try it on another PC, @my-reminiscence. If the issue still persists, please lemme know~
And sir, can you please provide what is in your browser console?
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been open for 14 days without activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 14 days. If this is still an issue, just leave a comment or remove the "stale" label.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been open for 14 days without activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 14 days. If this is still an issue, just leave a comment or remove the "stale" label.
This problem persists.
This problem persists.
HI! Can you please provide what is in your browser console? Is there any error?
I got the same issue in the Brave browser and Chrome if the HTML template file is viewed, the console does not have any message. But it works fine on the repo cloned and viewed using the Vite server.
I got the same issue in the Brave browser and Chrome if the HTML template file is viewed, the console does not have any message. But it works fine on the repo cloned and viewed using the Vite server.
Have you updated your Brave and Chrome browsers?
E-Mails werden nur verzögert gelesen. In sehr dringenden Fällen und in Notfällen sprechen Sie bitte eine Nachricht auf den Notruf-Anrufbeantworter unter 02206-95100-0. Geben Sie dabei Name, Rufnummer und die Art des Notfalls an. Wenn es sich um einen sehr dringenden Fall oder einen Notfall handelt, werde ich mich zeitnah bei Ihnen melden. Andernfalls stehe ich nach meinem Urlaub wieder wie gewohnt für Sie zur Verfügung. Diese ist die einzige Benachrichtigung, die Sie empfangen werden, während ich abwesend bin. Beste Grüße Jens Suing
Yes, both browsers are up-to-date. The sidebar toggle works if the script is replaced by the compiled one.
Sidebar collapse is not working in Vertical Layout with Navbar either on localhost or server.
`<!DOCTYPE html>
Vertical Layout with Navbar
Navbar will appear on the top of the page.
About Vertical Navbar
Vertical Navbar is a layout option that you can use with Mazer.
In case you want the navbar to be sticky on top while scrolling, add
class alongside with.layout-navbar
class.Dummy Text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mollis tincidunt tempus. Duis vitae facilisis enim, at rutrum lacus. Nam at nisl ut ex egestas placerat sodales id quam. Aenean sit amet nibh quis lacus pellentesque venenatis vitae at justo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse venenatis tincidunt odio ut rutrum. Maecenas ut urna venenatis, dapibus tortor sed, ultrices justo. Phasellus scelerisque, nibh quis gravida venenatis, nibh mi lacinia est, et porta purus nisi eget nibh. Fusce pretium vestibulum sagittis. Donec sodales velit cursus convallis sollicitudin. Nunc vel scelerisque elit, eget facilisis tellus. Donec id molestie ipsum. Nunc tincidunt tellus sed felis vulputate euismod.
Proin accumsan nec arcu sit amet volutpat. Proin non risus luctus, tempus quam quis, volutpat orci. Phasellus commodo arcu dui, ut convallis quam sodales maximus. Aenean sollicitudin massa a quam fermentum, et efficitur metus convallis. Curabitur nec laoreet ipsum, eu congue sem. Nunc pellentesque quis erat at gravida. Vestibulum dapibus efficitur felis, vel luctus libero congue eget. Donec mollis pellentesque arcu, eu commodo nunc porta sit amet. In commodo augue id mauris tempor, sed dignissim nulla facilisis. Ut non mattis justo, ut placerat justo. Vestibulum scelerisque cursus facilisis. Suspendisse velit justo, scelerisque ac ultrices eu, consectetur ac odio.
In pharetra quam vel lobortis fermentum. Nulla vel risus ut sapien porttitor volutpat eu ac lorem. Vestibulum porta elit magna, ut ultrices sem fermentum ut. Vestibulum blandit eros ut imperdiet porttitor. Pellentesque tempus nunc sed augue auctor eleifend. Sed nisi sem, lobortis eget faucibus placerat, hendrerit vitae elit. Vestibulum elit orci, pretium vel libero at, imperdiet congue lectus. Praesent rutrum id turpis non aliquam. Cras dignissim, metus vitae aliquam faucibus, elit augue dignissim nulla, bibendum consectetur leo libero a tortor. Vestibulum non tincidunt nibh. Ut imperdiet elit vel vehicula ultricies. Nulla maximus justo sit amet fringilla laoreet. Aliquam malesuada diam in augue mattis aliquam. Pellentesque id eros dignissim, dapibus sem ac, molestie dolor. Mauris purus lacus, tempor sit amet vestibulum vitae, ultrices eu urna.