zurb / joyride

jQuery feature tour plugin.
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Joyride works only after called twice #200

Open lightmar opened 9 years ago

lightmar commented 9 years ago


Thank you for this plugin. When I call Joyride to start it, it doesn't show. Only after I call it again it shows. On button click I call:

$("#editor-tour").joyride({ /* Options will go here */ });

What is the problem?


JoeWoodward commented 9 years ago


EdoardoTona commented 9 years ago


ziobudda commented 9 years ago


sturdynut commented 9 years ago


@mrsweaters - This is definitely either an issue or misunderstanding in how to use this plugin. Can you please have a look? The library is definitely great, it would be awesome if I didn't have to call $(...).joyride() twice. Just is icky.

TehShrike commented 9 years ago

If you want the tour to start right away when you initialize joyride, you need to pass in the option autoStart: true.

If you call joyride after you've already passed in options, it is ignoring the options and just calling joyride('restart').

gdejong commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue. Like @TehShrike said, adding:

        autoStart: true

does the trick!

zolem commented 7 years ago

This works great. Might be wise to add this to the options list on the web page. I was really confused.