zurb / orbit

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Multiple sliders, inside tabs #85

Open andrewmclagan opened 12 years ago

andrewmclagan commented 12 years ago

There seems to be an issue when multiple sliders are inside tabs.

we have 4 orbits sliders inside 4 (zurb framework) tabs. The slider in the tab that is initially displayed works fine, although the sliders that are in the hidden tabs appear but do not automatically play unless one hit the plat button.

im guessing its possible to call a $(slider).play() function on tab change event, although i do not know how to access this event or for that matter what the function for starting the slider is..

any ideas?

andrewmclagan commented 12 years ago

also the play / pause button becomes out of sync ( pause is displayed when playing and play when stopped) if you do not advanced one of the hidden slide shows before hitting play icon.... if that makes any sense..

i hope this issue will be remedied by lunch time tomorrow as i have a huge contract riding on this working. (joke)