zurb / orbit

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Missing `fluid` option (which is present in the Foundation version of Orbit) #87

Open audionerd opened 12 years ago

audionerd commented 12 years ago

Even though the version numbers are the same (1.3.0), Foundation's version of Orbit has a fluid option, which is absent in this repo's version of Orbit.

For reference, here's a link to Foundation's version - https://github.com/zurb/foundation/blob/master/javascripts/jquery.orbit-1.3.0.js#L30

Is this a bug?

anointed commented 12 years ago

+1 I am using the zurb foundation fluid framework for my website templates. It would be nice to use this slider, but having to make sure my images are all the same size, and not having the fluid ability is a deal killer.

Hopefully someday you will consider adding the fluid option to this vs. of Orbit as well.

MichelRenders commented 12 years ago

+1 for fluid use of orbit.. I'd love to make it use the 'available' space instead of fixed size...

bencoullie commented 8 years ago

+1 I had to find another plugin because of this issue.