zurb / tribute

ES6 Native @mentions
MIT License
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Discussion about RTL support #449

Open jseminck opened 4 years ago

jseminck commented 4 years ago

Hello! Thanks again for such a great library, it was a breeze to implement it with our custom built wysiwyg. One of requirements for us is proper RTL support and I'm keen to make it work for this library! But I think I'll need some help or pointers where to look in the code in order to achieve this.

Actually, I tried in the example page by setting the direction: rtl; on the .tribute-demo-input element:

      .tribute-demo-input {
        direction: rtl;

The end result is actually already quite promising... though in my own implementation it didn't work like that 😬 The main issue seems to be that, even though the cursor is in the right place, the text following the selected @-mention user is showing on the right side of the inserted element.


I'm no RTL expert (yet) but a quick test on Facebook shows the behaviour is very similar (mixing hebrew and roman alphabet in this case)


If you have any pointers in which area to look for fixing this, that would be great. In the mean time I will educate myself on RTL behaviours as well.

gelisiso2 commented 4 years ago

you can use element as selecte template