zuri-training / Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo

Repository for Team 92
2 stars 8 forks source link

Adesewa #26

Open Kolavic opened 1 year ago

Adesewadeboye commented 1 year ago

In the course of the project, I was assigned the task of compiling several design inspirations for the landing page (desktop) and dashboard page (desktop) for the Mood board and Ideation.

Most of my inspirations were gathered from Dribble and Behance. Below are URLs to some of the inspirations.

Landing page inspirations for Desktop. https://dribbble.com/shots/16356525-Bangtut-Hero-Section




Dashboard inspirations for Desktop. https://dribbble.com/shots/15776389-Neuro-Multipurpose-Dashboard



Adesewadeboye commented 1 year ago

I drafted a comprehensive Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy that extensively covers for every aspect of the user's experience. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IxvXzIGoXruIFJcrhnyNHp6rMfP-_ZTHZtiDwzFYlag/edit#heading=h.r28uh0y8dydt https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QWAuRGwp8Eds9IkBomBcvQ_MjhIHIjVLOM8gj0DaBPw/edit

Adesewadeboye commented 1 year ago

I was assigned the task of designing the High-fidelity screen with Tosin Ogunsan, Okwudie-peace, Hills, Taiicee. We were able to convert the low-fidelity designs into high fidelity designs. High-fidelity - https://www.figma.com/file/3Eatz8U4DT4huxWmunldr1/Project-File?node-id=1%3A5