zuri-training / Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo

Repository for Team 92
2 stars 8 forks source link

Blessing #27

Open Kolavic opened 1 year ago

Princessb1 commented 1 year ago

myself and patrick worked on creating the animations.we created a css library with different animations in it,we minified the animations css and also made the library downloadable by zipping the full library folder.we sent the folder containing the codes to our dev teamlead to push to git hub so we as to avoid conflicts which he did. these are the links showing all we did concerning the library.

  1. https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/pull/44

2 https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/3fd25124a06ab0b1981dc0be342d66b3efbe45f2

3 https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/573dcaa8cfd603b629dca98d053edc168e88ebd2

4 https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/9ede81c1003f0f450ed3f56b0499344fa6cd6f59

5 https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/6349545bb1c39fb9e2ebda422cc7df1f2aacac44

6 https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/1db577fc9374477fa90d2fcc653f707a53e0560b

Princessb1 commented 1 year ago

myself and adetayo wrote the animation library documentation and sent to the designers to design. here is a link to the google docs where it was written


Princessb1 commented 1 year ago

I built the front end for the documentation of the library.i wrote the documentation html and css and also made it responsive to different screen sizes to fit the desktop view,tablet view and mobile view.here are the links to the html and css files.

  1. Readme of the documentation which i wrote https://github.com/zuri-training/Animation-Library---Team-92-Repo/commit/fdf0d0822b22c80d94c6c377b59ba513e4930ffe
Princessb1 commented 1 year ago

I and adetayo worked with the designers to come up with an interface where users can try out and save their animations for later use.