zuri-training / Col_Films_Proj_Team_113

A web application to enable college students in Nigerian institutions upload short movies of their creation.
MIT License
9 stars 12 forks source link

Watch later page #38

Closed StellaChinenye closed 2 years ago

StellaChinenye commented 2 years ago

I added the images and the UX microcopy on the watch later page. https://www.figma.com/proto/tNI2fUodbSyrhaBGbOxiV9/Col-films-designs?page-id=1%3A2&node-id=2443%3A15458&viewport=-542%2C296%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down

StellaChinenye commented 2 years ago

work done

Pythonian commented 2 years ago

@StellaChinenye Okay, great. Will you be able to upload the design(s) you worked on here? So that I can close this task.