zuri-training / Team-64_Favicon-Gen

This project by Team 64 is aimed at building a web application for favicon generation.
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Pain points #24

Closed SerahN closed 2 years ago

SerahN commented 2 years ago


softlife12 commented 2 years ago

Task completed!

Bola001 commented 2 years ago

Done. From the notes gotten from the interview I conducted, I was able to come up with some pain points. Link to the figjam file : https://www.figma.com/file/2P8rcupisqFHMPfaX5TeDl/Team-64_Favicon_gen?node-id=0%3A1

Designbybecca commented 2 years ago

Task completed!

Prospernias commented 2 years ago


Bamidele-Aminat commented 2 years ago

Task done

Trippyog44 commented 2 years ago

Task completed!

mamoblack commented 2 years ago

Deducted painpoints from the interview conducted.