zuri-training / qr-gen-proj-team55

This project involve building a web site for generating a (Quick Response) qr_code where user that visit the site can only generate the code after registration. The code generated should also be able to use both on and offline and can be shared via email, can be downloaded in PNG and PDF
MIT License
3 stars 24 forks source link

Uduak Oscar Designs #45

Open Udyoscar opened 2 years ago

Udyoscar commented 2 years ago

My name is Uduak Oscar I was assigned the role of the design team lead.

Udyoscar commented 2 years ago

During the course of the project phase, I created the style guide for the project as well as created a mood board and a team assisted me. @Timileyin21 @Emyebong @BimboOni https://www.figma.com/file/h4z1WucYksn2jffHUW4VDE/Zuri-proj_team_55-team-library?node-id=0%3A1

Udyoscar commented 2 years ago

For the design, I designed the signup and login screens https://www.figma.com/file/h4z1WucYksn2jffHUW4VDE/Zuri-proj_team_55-team-library?node-id=1629%3A3202 https://www.figma.com/file/h4z1WucYksn2jffHUW4VDE/Zuri-proj_team_55-team-library?node-id=1629%3A3415

Udyoscar commented 2 years ago

I also did an overview of all the screens, their alignment, typography, color as well as flow https://www.figma.com/file/h4z1WucYksn2jffHUW4VDE/Zuri-proj_team_55-team-library?node-id=497%3A143 I made sure everyone got along with each other, and everyone got a task. solved every difficulty everyone had, such as inspirational issues alignment and the general aesthetic

Udyoscar commented 2 years ago

I also did the prototype of the website for both web and mobile view. https://www.figma.com/proto/h4z1WucYksn2jffHUW4VDE/Zuri-proj_team_55-team-library?node-id=497%3A143&viewport=604%2C579%2C0.02&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1629%3A3617&show-proto-sidebar=1