zuri-training / zuri_animation_lib_team97

A beginner-friendly web animation library that uses normal language to simplify animation download/export.
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Prototyping the components on the auth/dashboard/downloads_ empty #77

Open Joyidara opened 2 years ago

medicdesign commented 2 years ago

As assigned to me, I prototyped this page I ensured all interactive components like search field, drop-down and button were prototyped in accordance with the style guide Here's the link to the page: https://www.figma.com/file/YXo3jvJTwsUwWYbpqs9UFF/Project-Zing?node-id=1419%3A9374 Link to the prototype page: https://www.figma.com/proto/YXo3jvJTwsUwWYbpqs9UFF/Project-Zing?page-id=209%3A3&node-id=1419%3A9394&viewport=-11542%2C498%2C0.62&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=1419%3A9394