zussel / matador

Take your appclication by the horns
GNU General Public License v3.0
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项目生成出现错误 #135

Open dragon-dan opened 1 year ago

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago


错误 C2039 "type": 不是 "std" 的成员


zussel commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for trying matatdor!

Could you provide me the complete source code of your test program? It seems, that there is missing include, but from your informations I can't determine which include.

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago


#include <iostream>
#include "pgdb.hpp"

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!\n";


#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

#include "matador/orm/persistence.hpp"
#include "matador/orm/session.hpp"
#include "matador/utils/identifier.hpp"

#include "matador/json/json.hpp"

#pragma comment(lib,"matador-json.lib")

struct person
    matador::identifier<long> id;
    std::string name;
    int age;

    person() = default;
    person(long i, std::string n, int a)
        : id(i), name(std::move(n)), age(a)

    template < class SERIALIZER >
    void serialize(SERIALIZER& serializer)
        serializer.serialize("id", id);
        serializer.serialize("name", name);
        serializer.serialize("age", age);

int func_json()
    // create an empty object
    matador::json jo = matador::json::object();

    // is true
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << jo.is_object() << std::endl;

    // assigning values
    jo["name"] = "george";
    jo["age"] = 35;
    jo["weight"] = 78.5;
    jo["male"] = true;

int func1()
    matador::persistence p("postgresql://root:123456@");

    // After the persistance layer is configured all the database tables can be created

    // create a database session
    matador::session s(p);

    // insert george
    // returns an matador::object_ptr<person>
    auto george = s.insert(new person(1L, "george", 22));


zussel commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the code. At first sight it seems that you declared the id in your person class incorrect. Matador::identifier needs a template type, like Matador::identifier. Give it a try and let me know if it works.

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago


struct person
    //matador::identifier<long> id;
    long id;
    std::string name;
    int age;

    person() = default;
    person(long i, std::string n, int a)
        : id(i), name(std::move(n)), age(a)

    template < class SERIALIZER >
    void serialize(SERIALIZER& serializer)
        serializer.serialize("id", id);
        serializer.serialize("name", name);
        serializer.serialize("age", age);

我尝试改成这样,依然不能通过编译,报错为【错误 C2039 "type": 不是 "std" 的成员】。 然后看了几遍文档并没有找到有关于结构体字段设计的特殊说明,嗯,现在有点不知道该怎么弄了

zussel commented 1 year ago

How did you provide matatdor? Did you compile it or have you installed it with installer package?

I can compile and start your program. But under linux.

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago

image 目前所有的使用环境只有windows,如图使用cmake和VS2019编译matador源码得到一些dll和lib文件,学习使用的时候我更据情况在代码中用#pragma comment引入可能需要的lib文件,编译后放在dll文件夹中运行。


#include "matador/orm/persistence.hpp"
#include "matador/orm/session.hpp"


嗯,目前就是这个情况,因为需要读写数据库,根据文档来看matador用起来会很优雅很酷,如果windows环境不能使用实在是太遗憾了 (PS:目前开发环境全都用的MSVC,所以还没有用g++尝试过)

zussel commented 1 year ago

Sorry, that you face these problems using matador under windows. I'll try to find a solution for you.

Meanwhile try to use the windows installer for version 0.8.0. Then create a clean cmake VS project and use the FindMatador.cmake and FindMatadorBackendPostgreSQL.cmake files from the cmake sub directory in the repo to let cmake find the needed matador libraries. I hope I can come up with a cmake based matador startup project soon.

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago


还有两个小问题想问一下: 1.目前会得到动态库文件(dll/so),可执行文件必须依赖这个,是否能支持全静态连接生成独立可执行程序,不依赖动态库。 2.文档上数据库这部分介绍的不多,那个数据库connection用连接池管理起来程序是否会有更好的性能(matador有没有可用的数据库连接池)

zussel commented 1 year ago

Let me know how it worked out with version 0.8.0!

1.目前会得到动态库文件(dll/so),可执行文件必须依赖这个,是否能支持全静态连接生成独立可执行程序,不依赖动态库。 There is a very old Ticket #59 which address this issue. I would like to provide a static version of matatdor in a future release. I cann see the advantages of that!

2.文档上数据库这部分介绍的不多,那个数据库connection用连接池管理起来程序是否会有更好的性能(matador有没有可用的数据库连接池) Currently there is no database connection pool. But I'm planning to add one.

Please keep in mind that there are so many cool features I'ld like to implement, but I'm the only developer ;-) So it takes some time to get it done.

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago


zussel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the information! I figured out, that there is also a problem with the windows installer. So, I decided to fix this, provide static libraries and add a proper cmake starter project.

Could you tell me, if you setup a VS project or started with a cmake project?

dragon-dan commented 1 year ago
