zvodd / Youtube-Watch-History-Scraper

Scrapy YouTube watch history spider. Because YouTube didn't have a history search.
The Unlicense
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Unspecified directory for session-cookies #1

Closed dwduback closed 7 years ago

dwduback commented 8 years ago

Under the section get-session-cookies I have the cookies in the .json file but I am unclear as to what directory that .json file should be in...

rangira commented 7 years ago

Hi I am very new to using an open source project in Python and it would be really helpful if anyone could help me. So I installed the dependencies using "sudo pip install scrapy lxml sqlalchemy" and I copied the cookies on the clipboard as well. But where should I actually create the file "youtube_cookies.json". The description says "this directory". But I havent cloned anything and I am not sure to which directory should I be saving the json file to.

zvodd commented 7 years ago

Sorry I, completely missed this. The youtube_cookies.json file will be taken from the current directory of the shell when executed, and that should be the same DIR as scrapy.cfg, (i.e the root project folder).

for example


# $REPO_ROOT_DIR is created and  the files downloaded into it
git clone "${THE_REPO_URL}" "${REPO_ROOT_DIR}"

cd ${REPO_ROOT_DIR} # The same directory that the repo would've been cloned into
vim youtube_cookies.json  # add cookie data
scrapy crawl yth_spider