zwave-js / node-red-contrib-zwave-js

The most powerful, high performing and highly polished Z-Wave node for Node-RED based on Z-Wave JS. If you want a fully featured Z-Wave framework in your Node-RED instance, you have found it.
MIT License
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[Bug]: Serial port becomes unusable until node-red restart w/ newer versions #288

Closed svdasein closed 9 months ago

svdasein commented 9 months ago

What happened?

A few days ago I updated nodejs and node-red on a raspi4. Prior to the upgrade all was well. Subsequent to the upgrade I'm seeing an issue that I believe I've narrowed down to serial port logic in node-red-contrib-zwave-js:

If I leave the zwave js controller node enabled when I do a "deploy" or "restart nodes", that port will subsequently become unavailable due to some problem with port locking. The controller node emits messages about being unable to lock the usb port.

ZWaveError: Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port (ZW0100)

The only way I have found to recover from this is to restart node-red itself. Once I do that, the controller node works properly again.

I have managed to work around this by being sure to disable + deploy the disable before doing other work. If I do that I can reliably bring the controller back up by enabling the controller node + deploy.

I looked at a LOT of stuff tracking this down, so I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in your stuff. Briefly:

I'm just guessing, but it seems like the issue might be sort of in one of these ballparks:


PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

Linux nodered 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr  3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

root@nodered:/usr/lib/node_modules# node --version
root@nodered:/usr/lib/node_modules# npm ls
├── corepack@0.19.0 extraneous
├── node-red@3.1.3 extraneous
└── npm@9.8.0 extraneous

nodered@nodered:~/.node-red $ npm ls
node-red-project@0.0.1 /home/nodered/.node-red
├── @flowforge/node-red-dashboard@0.6.1
├── @meowwolf/node-red-contrib-amqp@2.4.2
├── @node-red-contrib-themes/theme-collection@3.0.6
├── @studiobox/node-red-contrib-ui-widget-thermometer@0.7.7
├── lodash@4.17.21
├── node-red-contrib-bool-gate@1.0.2
├── node-red-contrib-boolean-logic-ultimate@1.1.1
├── node-red-contrib-buffer-parser@3.2.2
├── node-red-contrib-cache@2.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-calc@1.0.6
├── node-red-contrib-chroma@0.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-colorspace@1.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-combine@1.8.1
├── node-red-contrib-cron-plus@2.1.0
├── node-red-contrib-cron@0.0.4
├── node-red-contrib-cubic-range@1.0.0
├── node-red-contrib-dir2files@0.3.0
├── node-red-contrib-excursion@0.1.7
├── node-red-contrib-eztimer@1.2.7
├── node-red-contrib-filter@0.1.4
├── node-red-contrib-hysteresis@0.3.0
├── node-red-contrib-latching-router@1.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-logger@0.0.8
├── node-red-contrib-map@1.0.4
├── node-red-contrib-play-audio@2.5.0
├── node-red-contrib-presence-faker@1.8.8
├── node-red-contrib-rate-avg@0.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-redis@1.3.9
├── node-red-contrib-splitter@0.0.16
├── node-red-contrib-state-machine@1.2.0
├── node-red-contrib-string@1.0.0
├── node-red-contrib-throttle@0.1.7
├── node-red-contrib-ui-actions@0.1.8
├── node-red-contrib-ui-areyousure@0.1.0
├── node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge@0.3.12
├── node-red-contrib-ui-button_state@0.2.2
├── node-red-contrib-ui-contextmenu@2.0.1
├── node-red-contrib-ui-countdown-timer-switch@1.4.1
├── node-red-contrib-ui-digital-clock@1.0.0
├── node-red-contrib-ui-digital-display@1.0.3
├── node-red-contrib-ui-iro-color-picker@0.1.6
├── node-red-contrib-ui-led@0.4.11
├── node-red-contrib-ui-level@0.1.46
├── node-red-contrib-ui-media@1.2.0
├── node-red-contrib-ui-multistate-switch@1.2.3
├── node-red-contrib-ui-simple-level@1.0.0
├── node-red-contrib-ui-state-trail@1.0.2
├── node-red-contrib-ui-statechart@0.2.0
├── node-red-contrib-ui-svg@2.3.3
├── node-red-contrib-ui-time-scheduler@1.17.2
├── node-red-contrib-ui-timelines-chart@0.1.9
├── node-red-contrib-uuid@0.0.4
├── node-red-contrib-visualmapper@0.5.0
├── node-red-contrib-web-worldmap@4.5.2
├── node-red-contrib-zabbix-sender@1.0.0
├── node-red-contrib-zabbix@1.0.2
├── node-red-contrib-zwave-js@9.0.3
├── node-red-dashboard@3.6.2
├── node-red-node-mysql@2.0.0
├── node-red-node-pi-gpio@2.0.6
├── node-red-node-ping@0.3.3
├── node-red-node-random@0.4.1
├── node-red-node-serialport@2.0.2
├── node-red-node-smooth@0.1.2
├── node-red-node-ui-iframe@0.2.1
├── node-red-node-ui-lineargauge@0.3.7
├── node-red-node-ui-list@0.3.6
├── node-red-node-ui-table@0.4.3
└── openapi-red@1.2.5

How to reproduce?



Node-RED Version


What hardware are you seeing the problem on?

Raspberry Pi

Relevant Z-Wave-JS log as a text file

ZWaveError: Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port (ZW0100)

marcus-j-davies commented 9 months ago


Looking at your stuff - it looks like you're bundling your own serial logic

This package doesn't do anything with the serial port - other then list what's available on the system- it's all managed by the zwave-js library, that this module uses, and zwave-js is using the popular serialnode package for all serial interaction.

ZWaveError: Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port (ZW0100)

Log file please to capture all events leading up to and including this event - you can enable logging in the Controller Node (set to File, Debug) - the log will be in ~/.node-red

Please don't edit the log file - just upload the file as is.

whilst I wait for the log file, I'll ping @AlCalzone, to see if he has any immediate input with any known issues with Node 20 and the serilaport package - But he is on parental leave currently - so please allow some time

This module will bring down the driver (and in doing so, will release the serial port - see below) - so my guess is, this is an issue with serilaport and node 20 - its already been reported by another user ->

svdasein commented 9 months ago


AlCalzone commented 9 months ago

No known issues from my side, but the linked issue seems to be a reasonable explanation for the behavior. Does the node-red serialport plug in also use this library?

marcus-j-davies commented 9 months ago

it does

marcus-j-davies commented 9 months ago

Everything is being closed down according to log.

2023-12-10T20:32:19.536Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2023-12-10T20:32:26.757Z NDERED   [SHUTDOWN] [RESTART] Cleaning up...
2023-12-10T20:32:26.759Z DRIVER   destroying driver instance...
2023-12-10T20:32:26.901Z DRIVER   driver instance destroyed
2023-12-10T20:32:27.671Z NDERED   [options] [interview.queryAllUserCodes] Disabled
2023-12-10T20:32:27.672Z NDERED   [options] [disableOptimisticValueUpdate] Disabled
2023-12-10T20:32:27.672Z NDERED   [options] [enableSoftReset] Disabled
2023-12-10T20:32:27.672Z NDERED   [options] [storage.cacheDir] /home/nodered/.node-red/zwave-js-cache
2023-12-10T20:32:27.672Z NDERED   [options] [storage.throttle] normal
2023-12-10T20:32:27.672Z NDERED   [options] [preferences.scales.temperature] 0x00
2023-12-10T20:32:27.673Z NDERED   [options] [preferences.scales.humidity] 0x00
2023-12-10T20:32:27.673Z NDERED   [FWUS] Open source license applied
2023-12-10T20:32:27.673Z NDERED   Initializing driver...
2023-12-10T20:32:27.678Z NDERED   [TELEMETRY] Disabling...
2023-12-10T20:32:27.678Z NDERED   Starting driver...
2023-12-10T20:32:27.679Z DRIVER   ███████╗        ██╗    ██╗  █████╗  ██╗   ██╗ ███████╗          ██╗ ███████╗
                                  ╚══███╔╝        ██║    ██║ ██╔══██╗ ██║   ██║ ██╔════╝          ██║ ██╔════╝
                                    ███╔╝  █████╗ ██║ █╗ ██║ ███████║ ██║   ██║ █████╗            ██║ ███████╗
                                   ███╔╝   ╚════╝ ██║███╗██║ ██╔══██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██╔══╝       ██   ██║ ╚════██║
                                  ███████╗        ╚███╔███╔╝ ██║  ██║  ╚████╔╝  ███████╗     ╚█████╔╝ ███████║
                                  ╚══════╝         ╚══╝╚══╝  ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═══╝   ╚══════╝      ╚════╝  ╚══════╝
2023-12-10T20:32:27.679Z DRIVER   version 12.4.0
2023-12-10T20:32:27.679Z DRIVER   
2023-12-10T20:32:27.679Z DRIVER   starting driver...
2023-12-10T20:32:27.679Z DRIVER   opening serial port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102N_USB_to_UART_Bri
2023-12-10T20:32:37.031Z DRIVER   Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot 
                                  lock port
2023-12-10T20:32:37.033Z DRIVER   destroying driver instance...
2023-12-10T20:32:37.034Z NDERED   [ERROR] [DRIVER] Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily un
                                  available Cannot lock port (ZW0100)
2023-12-10T20:32:37.037Z DRIVER   driver instance destroyed
svdasein commented 9 months ago

It may be the case that whatever is wrong is something that was fixed by whoever maintains node-red-node-serialport - as I mentioned, when I upgraded that the problem with port locks that use that node went away.

├── node-red-node-serialport@2.0.2

fyi I actually walked the version of node-red-node-serialport upwards 'til the problem went away. I believe 2.0.2 is the very latest version.

marcus-j-davies commented 9 months ago


My suggestion is to downgrade to Node 18 for the time being (its still preferred for Node RED at this stage) Or if you don't want to do that - Just only publish modified nodes - instead of a full deploy, to stop everything re-starting

Nothing in this module will be responsible for the error, as I believe it to be upstream somewhere.

svdasein commented 9 months ago

@marcus-j-davies - thanks - I will try that.

svdasein commented 9 months ago

After a downgrade to node v18.17.1 the problem no longer occurs. Thanks for your help!