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Add ability to fetch all cached values (Unmanaged) #53

Closed marcus-j-davies closed 3 years ago

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

Given that getValue does not actually cause network traffic, we could return the cache, allowing recipients to configure the environment on system start up.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

I've been watching my devices for a couple of days now and it seems like I almost never get battery updates. In fact, only one device ever says anything about its battery - about once a day.

I'm excited for the getValue option so I can regularly poll the information which isn't updated (specifically battery)

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


There will be 2 new methods.

GetCache: should be used to restore last known values, on start up (still deciding if this should be for the entire network, or a specific device) PollValue: which will actually ask the device for an update.

So after these 2, you will have. GetValue: as it is now (the cached value) SetValue: as it is now GetCache: All cached Values (for system start ups) PollValue: Forces the value to be refreshed from the device.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Seems like for a battery device the PollValue would be quite show to respond, right? It wouldn't be until the next time it wakes up.

GetCache should be great.

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

PollValue would be quite show to respond, right?

For battery operated devices, Correct! The idea for PollValue is for those values that are critical to be accurate after a start up or recovering from system down time, where the cached value maybe too out of date.

GetCache: Non-Critical PollValue (Single property): Critical

The Cache is obviously kept upto date whilst the driver is running (and devices are sending updates)

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


Would something like this work? This would be the result of calling GetValueDB (no longer called GetCache)

GetValueDB accepts an optional list of node IDs - params:[34,5,2] if not provided will return for EVERY node - which may be overkill for a large number of nodes, but the choice is there.

This new method, can be used at start up. where as PollValue (Single Node & Value ID) can be used to force an update on critical values, after a start up


marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

Im thinking I should rename currentValue to response so it takes on the same format seen when using GetValue for a single ValueID

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Whatever happens I"ll need to write a function node to deal with it - since I doubt the best option is to send everything as "VALUE_UPDATE" as I'm watching for now.

Initial states (getting the VALUE_DB) will be great as long as I have the node number, endpoint, command class, and current value. Bonus points if we can include the node name and node location in there.

I imagine the object something like:

[{"nodeName": "Porch", "nodeLocation": "Front", "valueId":{"big":"object"}, "currentValue": false}]
crxporter commented 3 years ago

Wait I just saw it. I was looking at it wrong. Didn't realize that level was all the nodes.

Your layout looks great, just if you can add the nodeName and nodeLocation?

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

Adding the Node Name and location will be fine.

The object component will be an array of nodes (each with id, name, location) each node element will also have an array of values (each having a currenValue, and the valueId)

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Sounds great - I've just added a status catcher to my controller node, I'll probably run GetValueDB after each "All Nodes Ready!" to be sure the rest of NR knows what's what.

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


The result of GetValueDB....

You can use the split node to split the object into separate messages for better processing. you can then attach the split node to a switch node, and branch off based on nodeId

All the building blocks are there, I will hopefully get an update out in a couple of days.

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

Just tested.

The split node connected to a switch node, should work well.


crxporter commented 3 years ago

55 values on node 9? What is that thing?

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

Rings Keypad. quite a few config params

crxporter commented 3 years ago

So I guess that's not that much. My Aeotec 6 in 1 motion sensor has 79... Probably my most. I had a yale lock once with probably over 500 - it had spaces for 256 user codes and a couple settings per code. Not to mention the state stuff.

I didn't keep that device, it took like 15 minutes to interview that thing alone.

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


Hence the ability to filter to specific nodes on the GetValueDB method 😅

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


3.4.0 is out!

Deprecation Warnings

let MyValueID = {...}
let Message = {
        class: "Unmanaged",
        operation: "PollValue",
        node: 5,
        params: [MyValueID]
return Message;

GetValueDB example.

let Message = {
        class: "Driver",
        operation: "GetValueDB",
        params: [3,7,24] /* Specifying specific node ID's is Optional (but recommended to begin with) */
return Message;

as always - I'll leave open until you have had a chance to use the new method(s). the method you are likely interested in is GetValueDB (for node-red boot ups)

Have fun

crxporter commented 3 years ago

This is so cool. I need to build a startup function - but all of the information is there and will be easy enough to work with.

It's ok that I get excited about massive JSON arrays, right? That's not weird?

marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago

It's ok that I get excited about massive JSON arrays, right? That's not weird?

absolutley fine, kind of what I am like with flow groups 🤣

I'm glad it works for you, although just remember, its from a cache, so if your system has been down for quite sometime, it maybe to far out of date for your liking.

But then thats where PollValue comes in, to forcibly refresh selective values. but of course, the cache is updated, when your devices change state anyway.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Works great. Feel free to close this.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Wanted to come back and say this is seriously an awesome thing to have. I've set things so whenever I get a green light "All Nodes Ready!" then I can pull the DB and push data to all of my homekit nodes all over the place.

My function is basic but gets the job done. And it should only run once every few weeks so there's not much need to make it all optamized and pretty.

const inValues = msg.payload.values;
const Name = msg.payload.nodeName;

let outputs = [];

inValues.forEach(value => {
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 128 && == "isLow") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                StatusLowBattery: + value.currentValue,
                ChargingState: 2
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 128 && == "level") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                BatteryLevel: value.currentValue,
                ChargingState: 2
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == "Door state") {
        let doorState = 23-value.currentValue;
        if (isNaN(doorState)) {
            doorState = 0;
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                ContactSensorState: doorState
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == "Motion sensor status") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                MotionDetected: Boolean(value.currentValue)
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == "Sensor status") {
        if ( == "CO Alarm") {
                "topic": Name,
                "payload": {
                    CarbonMonoxideDetected: value.currentValue ? 1 : 0
        if ( == "Smoke Alarm") {
                "topic": Name,
                "payload": {
                    SmokeDetected: value.currentValue ? 1 : 0

    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == "Air temperature") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                CurrentTemperature: value.currentValue
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == "Humidity") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                CurrentRelativeHumidity: value.currentValue
    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == "Illuminance") {
            "topic": Name,
            "payload": {
                CurrentAmbientLightLevel: value.currentValue

return [outputs];
marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


Easy to add other entries later down the line as well. Are you filtering to specific nodes on the GetValueDB call - I was curious how such a big payload would behave.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

Before this function I'm splitting the msg.payload.object array into individual messages per device. So this function gets hit with one message per device.

Then as you see it matches the values based on the if statements and spits out a whole bunch of outputs. After sending the GetValueDB I get all the properly formatted stuff within maybe 2 seconds?

I have 3 of these functions though, one for on/off switches, one for dimmers, and one for sensors. I'm using the location property to sort so I don't send every device to all 3 functions. The switch and dimmer ones set up my global context storage for each device.

Yes I'm pulling the entire DB, not filtering. It doesn't seem like a struggle for the pi 4, especially since it'll run so infrequently.

crxporter commented 3 years ago

If you wanna see the whole thing:

[{"id":"c76203e0.6e5858","type":"status","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"","scope":["c4162781.92a34"],"x":140,"y":400,"wires":[["f88b1f2b.ed12d"]]},{"id":"31e96468.0d4d7c","type":"split","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Split","splt":"\\n","spltType":"str","arraySplt":1,"arraySpltType":"len","stream":false,"addname":"","x":330,"y":460,"wires":[["776153aa.4c97fc"]]},{"id":"28dbecc1.f11fac","type":"change","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Move","rules":[{"t":"move","p":"payload.object","pt":"msg","to":"payload","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":190,"y":460,"wires":[["31e96468.0d4d7c"]]},{"id":"776153aa.4c97fc","type":"switch","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Sort","property":"payload.nodeLocation","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"Dimmer","vt":"str"},{"t":"cont","v":"Switch","vt":"str"},{"t":"cont","v":"Sensor","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":3,"x":190,"y":540,"wires":[["2abdc0d7.a1f798"],["e4d9c749.77e528"],["61531e4.e3881e"]],"outputLabels":["Dimmers","Switches",""]},{"id":"2abdc0d7.a1f798","type":"function","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Dimmers initiate","func":"const inValues = msg.payload.values;\nconst Name = msg.payload.nodeName;\nconst zwnode = msg.payload.nodeId;\n\nlet endpoint;\nlet Brightness;\nlet zwClass = 38;\nlet onLevel;\nlet onLevelClass;\nlet minBright = 1;\n\ninValues.forEach(value => {\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === zwClass && == \"currentValue\") {\n        endpoint = value.valueId.endpoint;\n        Brightness = value.currentValue;\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass == 112) {\n        if ( == 18 || == 32) {\n            onLevelClass =;\n        }\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass == 112) {\n        if ( == 10 && value.valueId.propertyName == \"Minimum Brightness\") {\n            minBright = value.currentValue;\n        }\n    }\n});\n\nlet Dimmer = Name + endpoint;\n\nconst dimmerState = {\n    \"On\": Boolean(Brightness),\n    \"Brightness\": Brightness,\n    \"zwnode\": zwnode,\n    \"endpoint\": endpoint,\n    \"class\": zwClass,\n    \"onLevelClass\": onLevelClass,\n    \"minBright\" : minBright\n}\n\nglobal.set(Dimmer, dimmerState)\n\nconst newMsg = {\n    payload: {\n        \"On\": dimmerState.On\n    },\n    topic: Dimmer\n};\n\nif (dimmerState.On) {\n    newMsg.payload.Brightness = dimmerState.Brightness;\n}\n\nreturn newMsg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":380,"y":520,"wires":[["8dfc0fe6.4330c8"]]},{"id":"e4d9c749.77e528","type":"function","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Switches initiate","func":"const inValues = msg.payload.values;\nconst Name = msg.payload.nodeName;\nconst zwnode = msg.payload.nodeId;\n\nlet endpoint;\nlet On;\nlet zwClass = 37;\n\ninValues.forEach(value => {\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === zwClass && == \"currentValue\") {\n        endpoint = value.valueId.endpoint;\n        On = value.currentValue;\n    }\n});\n\nlet Switch = Name + endpoint;\n\nconst switchState = {\n    \"On\": On,\n    \"zwnode\": zwnode,\n    \"endpoint\": endpoint,\n    \"class\": zwClass,\n}\n\nglobal.set(Switch, switchState)\n\nconst newMsg = {\n    payload: {\n        \"On\": switchState.On\n    },\n    topic: Switch\n};\n\nreturn newMsg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":380,"y":560,"wires":[["846a1f9.6d6cee"]]},{"id":"61531e4.e3881e","type":"function","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Sensors initiate","func":"const inValues = msg.payload.values;\nconst Name = msg.payload.nodeName;\n\nlet outputs = [];\n\ninValues.forEach(value => {\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 128 && == \"isLow\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                StatusLowBattery: + value.currentValue,\n                ChargingState: 2\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 128 && == \"level\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                BatteryLevel: value.currentValue,\n                ChargingState: 2\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == \"Door state\") {\n        let doorState = 23-value.currentValue;\n        if (isNaN(doorState)) {\n            doorState = 0;\n        }\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                ContactSensorState: doorState\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == \"Motion sensor status\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                MotionDetected: Boolean(value.currentValue)\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 113 && value.valueId.propertyKey == \"Sensor status\") {\n        if ( == \"CO Alarm\") {\n            outputs.push({\n                \"topic\": Name,\n                \"payload\": {\n                    CarbonMonoxideDetected: value.currentValue ? 1 : 0\n                }\n            })\n        }\n        if ( == \"Smoke Alarm\") {\n            outputs.push({\n                \"topic\": Name,\n                \"payload\": {\n                    SmokeDetected: value.currentValue ? 1 : 0\n                }\n            })\n        }\n        \n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == \"Air temperature\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                CurrentTemperature: value.currentValue\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == \"Humidity\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                CurrentRelativeHumidity: value.currentValue\n            }\n        })\n    }\n    if (value.valueId.commandClass === 49 && == \"Illuminance\") {\n        outputs.push({\n            \"topic\": Name,\n            \"payload\": {\n                CurrentAmbientLightLevel: value.currentValue\n            }\n        })\n    }\n});\n\nreturn [outputs];","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":300,"y":700,"wires":[["989e455.c5098b8"]]},{"id":"4e7ad117.fbe7d8","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Door","links":["23ec89f1.7b13c6","13d54137.1b977f"],"x":670,"y":600,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"38487add.6c4bee","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Motion","links":["d2b64b32.7ef778","a8f21129.18733","ef79915b.09d888","77765b56.4c0094"],"x":680,"y":560,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"de772036.9de7e","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Temp","links":["c6d9055e.19a218"],"x":670,"y":640,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"3b937160.eb745e","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Humidity","links":["63f3a0a6.d13c68"],"x":680,"y":680,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"79d7f8d8.ca1bb","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Light","links":["7205045e.a74474"],"x":670,"y":720,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"87bd940b.04aea8","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Battery","links":["aea2b5d.62b99c8"],"x":680,"y":760,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"8960042b.842a78","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Smoke","links":["1ecf2ab7.ae934d"],"x":680,"y":800,"wires":[],"l":true},{"id":"5ee9c17b.513178","type":"link 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initiate","links":["60ac2727.8fec2"],"x":535,"y":520,"wires":[]},{"id":"846a1f9.6d6cee","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Switches initiate","links":["1118b4a3.f68dcb","c9773d67.7d53f"],"x":535,"y":560,"wires":[]},{"id":"f88b1f2b.ed12d","type":"switch","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Ready","property":"status.text","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"All Nodes Ready!","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":290,"y":400,"wires":[["a027a9ef.96ccb"]]},{"id":"a027a9ef.96ccb","type":"change","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Get DB","rules":[{"t":"delete","p":"payload","pt":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"{\"class\":\"Driver\",\"operation\":\"GetValueDB\",\"params\":[]}","tot":"json"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":450,"y":400,"wires":[["a0bc4ead.f6d5f8"]]},{"id":"5935956a.74874c","type":"link in","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Value DB","links":["7902b802.cafbd8"],"x":95,"y":460,"wires":[["28dbecc1.f11fac"]]},{"id":"a0bc4ead.f6d5f8","type":"link out","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Z-wave","links":["5ce2ebb.4955694"],"x":575,"y":400,"wires":[]},{"id":"93398c9d.fe96c","type":"inject","z":"65c335e0.d71ce4","name":"Get DB","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":270,"y":340,"wires":[["a027a9ef.96ccb"]]}]
marcus-j-davies commented 3 years ago


Very nice! - Link nodes are Awesome!

Have been rocking the group ability! image