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TransVar - multiway annotator for precision medicine
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question concerning implementation HGVS 3´ rule of variants #46

Open ktrien opened 2 years ago

ktrien commented 2 years ago


We are currently using transvar as annotator in our pipeline. We are really satisfied with the software.

However, we have a question concerning the support of both left-alignment and right-alignment convention in reporting indels and duplications.

In a recent EQC-program, we identified a deletion in the EGFR gene as follows: c.2240_2257del <-> HGVS c.2237_2257delinsTAT p.(Leu747_Pro753delinsSer) <-> HGVS p.(Glu746_Pro753delinsValSer)

Following the HGVS guidelines, a 3’ rule for alignment is prefered. When reading the TRANSVAR manual, we believe reporting the correct variant is possible with transvar as it supports both left-alignment and right-alignment convention.

On p15 of the transvar manual (2.5.4 release), an example is shown in which a difference between left and right-aligned identifiers is shown. I now have 3 questions

Looking forward hearing from you, Thanks in advance,

Kind regards, Katrien